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Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • That too. But he’s also really angry that the world passed him by. That his understanding of AI turned out to be less than others’. That his skills couldn’t make it happen and while he was on the side of the road watching everyone else try and commenting on their failures, someone actually kind of succeeded. Not completely, of course. But enough that it eclipses all of his career and makes him seem like just another naysayer that’s been proven wrong. Like someone who can’t make things happen so he resorts to laughing at those who even try. Like an old man yelling at clouds.

    So yeah, now the narrative has to change and he has to yell at the bad capitalists who are bringing about the destruction of our way of life. Otherwise he looks like a hasbeen yelling about the people who could do more than him. So he does this yelling at capitalists from the comfort of his home, typing on the technological achievements of the last hundred years, without needing to worry about making and washing his own clothes, walking to the village 50 miles west, his wife dying in childbirth or him catching a stomach bug and shitting himself to death, all because we had a fucking industrial revolution that took care of those aspects and so many more, and those capitalist pigs saw there’s money to be made in technology improvements so they invested in it. Did this benefit the few more than the many? Yes. Did many people find themselves out of a job, needing to adapt to strange conditions they were never trained for? Yes. Did it also bring about incredible quality of life improvements, especially to this old useless fuck who wouldn’t even have a job without the last few decades of tech advancement, if he could even stay alive through the last pandemic? Also yes. So sitting on the sidelines crying about capitalism while at the same time enjoying its benefits is nothing more than a hypocritical plea for attention, all stemming from the fact that he can’t seem to be able to stand having been wrong. Which, holy shit - get that narcissistic crap outta my sight.

  • Oh yeah, I feel that. I got a nice beach towel with my company’s name on it some years ago, of course I couldn’t take it to the beach, I’d feel silly. But on the other hand - nobody sees it if I use it in the shower. Man, that company name has touched my dick&balls so many times I’m thinking I should marry it at this point.

    I always try to make them put the branding in shitty places. For the umbrella I got them to print it on the classy wooden handle, instead of the fabric, exactly where you’d hold the thing. That way it’s still usable, you just need to hold your hand over the brand name. And on some other shit like wireless earbuds & smaller objects, the guys doing the printing can sometimes provide smaller velvety satchels to put the objects in, kind of like a gift bag, and I can usually print on those. Then you’re just left with the plain unbranded object when you inevitably throw away the satchel.

  • Aa someone who has misspent a budget before - you’re making it sound like a lot more people in the company care about the topic than what’s happening in real life.

    I organize some events in our office every now and then. For example, one of them is a sort of competition/race/quiz/whatever - completely optional, but I get about 75% of the office to join, which in my experience - that’s huge, nobody joins any type of other events in such magnitude, usual rates are at 30-40%. The big bosses approve it because “morale” and “team building”. The people like it because it’s actually fun. So I get a budget to spend on this event, and we use it to buy “prizes” for literally everyone participating. Which means they’re shitty prizes, but hey, it’s not about winning first place, it’s about making some jokes at the bosses’ expense, on company time.

    The way the process works is: all my bosses already know how this money is spent, and they approve. But because I need the money, it has to go through finance. And they involve marketing/PR guys. And these guys insist on having the fucking logo on everything. At the end of the day everyone is going home with several items (backpack, external battery, pen, umbrella, Swiss army knife etc) with the company logo on them, which is goddamn ridiculous. It’s actually one of the reasons I always refuse to receive items, even if the budget includes the organizers - because I really hate the branding aspect.

    But all that aside - you see the aftermath of this event and you’ll draw the conclusion that we just spent the day in a corporate culture workshop, when in fact we were answering silly questions and getting imaginary points the entire day, but there’s ONE guy in ONE department who can’t let things slide. So… Idk man. Take it with a grain of salt next time. The agile dudes probably did it to get away from other things for a few hours, and they got the budget to also give something back to the coworkers. But not everyone really cares about agile, they’re just going through the motions.

  • Every year young people are different. They may have a strong feeling of being a part of society this year, they may feel completely disenfranchised next year. Because every year there’s a new set of them.

    Every year old people stay the same. Because their views are already set in stone, you won’t convince them of anything new. Also, they had time to form good behaviors. They had time to learn to vote even if they feel disenfranchised. They had time to learn to complain if they think something isn’t right (even if they’re wrong about it), and that you can make a difference and have your voice heard. They had time to learn these lessons and now, even if their opinion is wrong, they’ll go out and vote, they’ll put in the effort to get what they want.

    Unfortunately, children haven’t really learned all this. The average 18 year old is still getting bullied by his McDonald’s boss to come in on their free time, and indoctrinated by their bad teachers that you shouldn’t question authority, of course they don’t think their opinion matters. They also don’t understand enough about politics to know which way they want to go on some issues. This drives them to be indifferent towards it.

  • From the first paragraph in your link:

    Primarily a consequence of the Israeli Declaration of Independence […]

    So the expulsion of Jewish people from Arab states discussed here came AFTER the illegal forming of Israel - as a direct result of it, in fact. Israelis did have “somewhere to go” before the zionists movement basically lobbied for a state of their own - they lived all over the world.

    And of course this happened. If any country is 90% religion x and there is some land somewhere that is split between religion x and religion y, the UN would face horrendous push back from the 90% of that initial country that sympathizes with religion x. And while religion is a plague on our lands that brings little value aside from excusing atrocities, this is the fucking UN. Lacking the tact to understand how their shit resolution destabilized the region isn’t something that’s supposed to be allowed for them. They fucked up and now refuse to fix it.

    But let’s make it easier - have the UN pass a resolution today that makes half the US(or Germany, or the UK, or Russia) Arab land, only for Arabs, to be settled by Arab settlers. See how well that fucking goes, and then go ahead and blame that country for not being willing to go ahead with half their land being taken away.

    There is no “other side” here, man. Zionists created this problem. They’re unwilling to fix it, and they’re unwilling to stop their genocide. Everything else is a reaction to this. You don’t get to say “fuck you, I own this land now” and then turn around and say “WAAAAHH THE OTHER SIDE DOESN’T WANT TO COMPROMISE”. Of course they fucking don’t.

  • What two sides? You mean the nazis and the people who are right by default, because their opponents ARE FUCKING NAZIS?

    There are no lessons to be learned here. Israel is doing what they have always done: stealing land and conducting genocide. While Palestinians are doing what they’ve always done - fighting the fucking nazis. At this point in time, the only lesson to be learned is that the UN should collectively take Israel back, give the land to Palestinians and then literally suck some Palestinian dick for a few hundred years as an apology.

  • This is not tragic. This is, has been, and will always be Israeli foreign policy. Ever since the state was created, they were supposed to be a “foothold of civilization in the region”. They have constantly settled outside of borders and into Palestinian territory, and then defended their settlements with their superior firepower. They have constantly waged this type of unorthodox war. They supported Hamas as a tactical strike against the more moderate candidates in Palestine, because you can’t paint moderates as the aggressor as easily - this worked wonders for their PR - they managed to clean their image, because they had an enemy that looked even worse.

    Make no mistake friend - Israel has never been the abused, and throughout their short lifetime as a state they have only abused. They have been conducting an ethnic cleansing in the area. The only hope Palestinians have is that history books write the truth, but seeing as how Israel’s money isn’t running out and their reach is long, even this seems unlikely - just look at all the support they still have despite their foreign policy being literally genocide.