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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Realistically until we can move past religions its not going to stop. When you create constant in groups and out groups you are going to have conflict and blame wars. Until we can view each other as equals and for that to happen either everyone has to be under the same religion or we accept religions were a terrible form of government that need to be abandoned. And then we might just see rampant racism at that point if education is not properly funded and supported following the fall of religions. Then it would be nationalism until we can globally unite, and then still we will run into small groups of uneducated people who will be easily swayed allowing these bullshit issues to propagate again but hopefully not at the same level. Not that it’s reassuring but we have massive issues that need to be addressed for this shit to end and as billionaires profit from uneducated laborers, until we get to post scarcity for our species I don’t know if it will end.

  • Well if this works as they say I’d guess this isn’t working without a temperature gradient, just a very small one that is found throughout the molecules in the graphene sheet itself, hence why this needs to be above zero Kelvin and why I’d guess they are only targeting micro/nano sensors to power as they can’t ever scale this beyond the inherent gradient present in graphene. I’m not a physicist so don’t take my word as the gospel but at the same time I don’t see why this is ruffling so many feathers when it clearly can’t scale past these smaller voltages that they are targeting, which seems to hint at this just being a way to take advantage of the natural heat loss on graphene for small powered devices.

  • I guess in addition isn’t the thermal gradient they are claiming is nonexistent just extremely small throughout the graphene molecules? They aren’t gonna be a perfectly uniform temperature and thermals don’t transfer instantly meaning a gradient would be present. I guess couldn’t you prove they aren’t reducing entropy by comparing how quickly the sheet of graphene cools when this system is active vs a regular sheet of graphene in the same conditions. I’d guess we would see their system losing heat more quickly than the plain old sheet of graphene thus showing this isn’t a maxwell demon?

  • Sounds like from the properties of graphene they are able to turn its thermal energy to electrical so long as the material isn’t at absolute zero (obviously or then it would be a perpetual motion like machine), plus i dont see anything that says this process is lossless just high efficiency. It’s definitely not perpetual motion eventually the system would lose all thermal energy and no longer output any electrical energy. If producing waste heat meant perpetual motion, geothermal would also be classified as perpetual motion, but it isn’t lossless. It seems like it’s essentially a heat pump at a much smaller scale where the ambient temp of the room keeps the graphene’s thermal energy charged in a way. Idk nothing on this seems unintuitive unless they start trying to claim it has massive outputs. I’m guessing this is something that could help power some micro sensors by using heat in the environment but not for anything larger as you’d probably need massive sheets of graphene and they havent really said anything about scaling. Although word of caution I’m only a software engineer not a theoretical physicist, so take my ramblings with a grain of salt and defer to any actual physicists in the comments here haha

  • From what’s read, those capacitors are needed to run the high wattage lasers, i.e. they need the charge to be stable and attempt to sustain self-sustaining reactions, the time they get for the reaction is the time it takes the capacitors to discharge. Doesn’t seem like any of the headlines are doing anything but baseless hype acting like we have a reaction that created more enegry than was used to create it. Sure repeating the same reaction is progress but that’s not what is being sensationalized, the cherry picked energy consumption vs production stats is and its extremely misleading.