• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Yeah, if you block someone (not ban them) they can still go to a community you moderate and post there - but you won’t see it. Obviously that’s not ideal from a moderator perspective. I tried just using one account and not blocking people, but there are a lot of trolls/arseholes/bots out there and I just don’t want to see their drivel on my feed - even if what they say isn’t technically against the rules, or doesn’t met the criteria to earn them a ban. And you can’t ban accounts just because you don’t like them (or you can, but that’s not good moderating).

    Also moderator decisions are meant to be made objectively and I find having two accounts helpful to maintain that objectivity. A comment from my mod account is official but a comment from my browsing account only carries the same weight as a comment from any other user. Some iOS apps allow you to distinguish moderator comments from your standard comments. That works great but it doesn’t seem to be the standard across all platforms/apps.

  • I just added “mod” to the end of my username for my alt account. Obviously that wouldn’t work if my username had a slur in it or something, but it’s a pretty straight forward fix. It allows me to block idiots on my browsing account, offers a helpful separation between things I say as a user vs things I say as a mod, but subscribers to my communities still know who I am so there’s some accountability.

  • My understanding is the USA officially has separated church and state (as it’s written in the constitution) but in practice, the US is a fairly religious country. Politicians regularly talk about their religious beliefs, religious agendas affect state schools, and a large amount of population believe “pastors” over teachers.

    The UK on the other hand is offically a Christian country but in reality it’s secular, or “multifath”. Politicians tend not to talk about their religious beliefs at all. Religious state schools are common and yet they tend to be more secular than American schools, and with the exception of a very few, schools here don’t deny science. People that do identify as Christian in the UK tend to be more progressive and tolerant than American fundamentalists/evangelicals/baptists.

    As for there being COE bishops in the House of Lords, that’s correct. There’s 26 of them in fact. It’s an archaic, undemocratic hangover that really needs to be reformed. But despite their potential interference/sway, analysis of the way they vote on bills shows they tend not to rock the boat, voting in line with whatever political party is currently in power.

    So despite America supposedly having separation of church and state and the UK not, it’s kinda the other way around in practice. Theres no excuse for bishops in the House of Lords though. I’m not convinced there should be a House of Lords at all.

  • TL;DR: most people in the UK don’t ever see an eye doctor until they get cataracts or similar in old age. Yearly opticians appointments are normal for people who need glasses - but the tests aren’t to the standard needed for those on hydroxychloroquine. I should have seen an ophthalmologist at least 11 times in the last 15 years instead of twice, but I “fell through the gaps”.

    In the UK regular “eye exams” are called eye tests and are not covered by the NHS for most adults (unless you’re very poor and even then it’s still not free, you just get a voucher towards your glasses). Eye tests are done by optometrists (not doctors) mainly in corporate owned businesses like Boots or Vision express. I’ve been short sighted since childhood and have had eye tests done at boots at least every other year, if not yearly. Until last year, there was nothing to report.

    But eye tests done at the opticians are not the same as in-depth as the tests an ophthalmologist at an eye hospital does. Until very recently (post pandemic) Boots didn’t have the capability to do OCT scans. Even when they got the capability, they wanted to charge an extra £25 for the privilege. In my case the waved the £25 fee (handy, I couldn’t afford it) because they could see there was a problem. They were meant to refer me to the eye hospital for urgent review but they “lost” my referral and didn’t inform my doctor of the problem. I continued taking hydroxychloroquine for 7 months because of their error, with the toxicity ever increasing. Eventually I was seen at the eye hospital and the damage was confirmed. I’m now seen there every 4 months. The can’t reverse the damage and it may continue to worsen even though I no longer take hydroxychloroquine.

    As you pointed out, I should have been referred by my rheumatologist to an ophthalmologist at the eye hospital for yearly checks after my 5th year of taking hydroxychloroquine. For whatever reason I wasn’t. They blamed the pandemic in part, but they missed 10 years, it’s not all Covid’s fault. They did apologise unreservedly though.

    So I didn’t know I needed to be under the care of the eye hospital, no one involved in my care including consultants, nurses, GP, pharmacists or my opticians told me I should be under the care of the eye hospital, or spotted the fact no one was monitoring me. When I first told my consultant he couldn’t believe it was down to the hydroxychloroquine until it was confirmed, because in 35 years of practice he’s never seen hydroxychloroquine toxicity before.

    So I slipped through a crack. I considered suing both boots and the NHS for medical negligence, but it felt wrong. Instead I settled for an apology and a new warning that pops up for every patient on long term hydroxychloroquine when their medical records are accessed. Hopefully that will prevent anyone else from “falling through the cracks” again.

  • Gabapentin is great for long term nerve pain, but I can’t imagine a doctor prescribing gabapentin for something as short term as wound healing - at least not in the UK. Heat, distraction, OTC antihistamines and maybe a prescription for something like zopiclone for short term relief if the itching is preventing sleep completely, should provide enough relief from the itchiness.

    OP, I’m not sure if you can stand at the moment, but be extra careful when standing up if the loss of feeling extends to your foot. I have neuropathy and dislocated my ankle just getting up off the sofa before it was diagnosed. It definitely takes some getting used to and taking more care over how you step. Get well soon!