SoyViking [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020


  • diapers bad

    Let me guess, you’ve never raised small children while also having to work full time?

    Washing, boiling and drying poopy diapers is something people had the time to do back when women were expected to be full-time housewives. Unless you’re proposing a drastic reduction of work hours for parents, something “just raise the price of everything” is the direct opposite of doing, you’re simply cheering for life becoming harder for ordinary working class people.

    You’re not going to avert climate change by making things suck more for working class people. All that is going to lead to is ecofascism. A socialist alternative to climate change has to offer actual justice and a better future than the present.

  • Tides of History is a very well-produced history podcast that deals with ancient history. It tells history in an engaging way and is founded in recent scholarship.

    Podcasting is Praxis, a funny politics podcast made by British communists.

    Blowback, all the praise heaped upon it is absolutely justified. Listen to it.

    We Are Not So Different, an entertaining podcast about medieval history. It has a leftist outlook on things and treats medieval people like people and avoids romanticising as well as looking down on them.

    A People’s History of Ideas. An amazingly detailed history of the Chinese revolution with offshoots into international Maoism. If you want to listen to an episode about how CPC safehouses worked in Shanghai in the early 1930’s, this is a podcast for you.