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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Yeah it’s just being angry about the fact that the Earth is rotating ball. Wanting to abolish timezones is different from Flat Earth only be degrees.

    Sure the “what time is it there?” question goes away, but it’s replaced by “what are your business hours?”

    Ultimately it will be daytime in one part of the world while it’s night in another part of the world. That will always cause problems.

  • This is actually the best approach.

    Obviously they are getting timezone information otherwise the app could only display whatever time the user entered in.

    If you want to sort things by the actual time, it’s simple and performant if all of the times are in the same timezone, and UTC would be the standard one to use. Pushing the timezone calculations to the client makes sense because the UTC time is correct, it’s just a matter of displaying it in a user friendly way, ie. show the time in the user’s timezone.

  • Really looking forward to see Star Wars move forward again. Getting bored with the story going nowhere lately. They got a prequel to the prequels on TV now FFS. Gee… I hope Yoda doesn’t die LOL.

    If they ignore the vocal internet fans and make a fun action adventure movie it should be good. They torpedoed the ST be listening to the Mary Sue whiners and making her support character in TLJ.

    Rey Skywalker is back and I’m down for it. Rey’s lightsaber looked like it was the same at both ends so it might be a double bladed lightsaber. That would be fun. It’d be cool if Oscar Isaac and John Boyega could come back.

    I’m sure the vocal internet Star Wars fans will hate it. Whatever, they got like 10 seasons of TV shows set in the past.

  • Apparently I’m Neutral Evil. But I consider myself to be Chaotic Neutral.

    I’ll fix the problem only when it’s actually a computer problem and when you can explain what the problem properly. I don’t care if it’s a ticket or an email. Though I might not get to the email today and tomorrow I might forget about it, so you might want to put a ticket in that’ll stay the until it’s closed. But the ticket system sucks, so I might not log into it and see your ticket for a few days. If you send an email, I might do it right away, but you might have to remind me about it in a few days because I might’ve forgotten about it.

    I don’t care about your job title. If you VP of whatever the fuck and think you’re important or if you were hired yesterday to an entry level position, you’re all users to me. But the issues aren’t fixed based on the order they come in, it’s based on how much effort you put into describing the problem. If you think you’re too important to describe the issue properly, you’re low priority. If you want a meeting to describe the issue verbally, oh you better believe you’re low priority, I’m not your fucking secretary that’s going to take down your dictation. You got a keyboard in front of you, use it. I might eventually get around to asking you for more details about the problem, but only after I’ve fixed all of the problems reported by people that made an effort. Your priority is based on your effort.

    Ok so maybe I’m Lawful Evil? But everyone thinks I’m Chaotic Evil because they don’t understand why some people get stuff done right away while they have to wait.

  • Since working class people typically pay their debts off an income it wouldn’t be much of a problem.

    If they have to take a pay cut because “prices are lower you don’t need to be paid as much” it would be a a problem. Also the price of houses go down. Congrats you owe more than your house is worth. You still gotta pay off that upside down mortgage tho!

    because any inflation or deflation is means for an employer to trim the wages they pay.

    Yup. But with the deflation you get the added bonus of the value of the money you owe increasing. Upside down mortgages, bankruptcy, foreclosures, people gotta find a new place to live, fun times for everyone!

    See there’s a reason a slow and steady inflation is the norm. It’s super bad to have the money you owe increase in value. But a war in the part of the world where most of the grain is produced caused grocery prices to go up a lot and drove inflation way higher than normal. But inflation is under control now. But unfortunately the inflation that already happened can’t really be reversed. Get your boss to give you a raise, join a union if you have to. Unlike nearly every time in history when this kind of thing has happened there isn’t a recession following a bout of inflation, which is pretty much unheard of. Biden stuck the soft landing.

    Also deflation increases the value of money for the wealthy. Why does the socialist crowd want deflation which increases the value of wealth for those who have it? Right, because they’re too busy cosplaying as socialists they don’t care enough about the real world economic effects on the working class to bother trying to understand how anything works.

    Old Joe actually cares about the working class, he stuck the soft landing (the economic equivalent of landing on the moon) and is now pursuing trust busting. The socialist and MAGA crowd (basically the same kind of people) are all mad about it.

  • Protests are only effective if the people in power are at least sympathetic to what you want.

    You can vote and protest you know. Think of having Democrats in power as a buff in favor of whatever you’re protesting.

    If you’re protesting and not voting, it’s probably a movement that’s represented best by that Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial. Just a fun get-together with your friends where you pretend to be angry about something. All performative bullshit. So just have a Pepsi and stop pretending you care about anything LOL.

  • Under PR the UK would almost always elect a centre left coalition.

    And this is why it can’t happen. You can’t have any change in an electoral system when one side is gleefully rubbing their hands over how under the new system they’d win every election. A bit of a conflict of interest.

    The EU is PR and there is a clearly a problem with people feeling like the EU parliament doesn’t represent their interests. And that disconnect is real, in a PR the parties own the seats, not community leaders. Having a first past the post system guarantees that everyone has someone from their community representing them. The biggest problem with first past the post is the fact that it was given that name in bad faith by those trying to push other systems.

    And you may think it’ll be great that conservatives break up into many different parties, but this means a conservative coalition may need to adopt policies to appease some extreme right parties to gain power. Israel is a PR system, and this is exactly what happened there.

    Kinda a hard sell to convince people you want UK politics to be more like the politics of the EU or Israel. People that voted for Brexit may be convinced to rejoin the EU someday, but making the UK parliament more like the EU system will be a red line for them. And there would be a lot of Remainers that wouldn’t want the UK to be more like Israel.

    Stop trying to make proportional representation happen it isn’t going to happen. Community representation systems (FPTP) have their flaws but PR systems have many more flaws.

  • But as soon as someone gets to an intermediate level and start thinking for themself and make those exact same mistakes.

    “We’ve been doing things wrong this whole time! I figured out a better way!” Then spend a lot of time implementing the “better” way only to find out it performs like shit and actually takes more work to implement and maintain anything.

    Everyone has to do that at least once.