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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • And yet, the giant oil corporations lied about climate change and subverted efforts to develop renewable energy back in the 80s when it could have actually helped. They did that to line their pockets, fucked over the entire world, and have had no repercussions for it. Don’t act like it’s the people’s fault. A large large portion of the damage to the climate was done so executives could save an extra .1% of profit for themselves.

  • We have explored an infinitesimally small portion of our galaxy, let alone the universe. We have barely even explored our the planets in our own solar system. What you’re saying is the same as looking in a drop of water and saying that fish don’t exist in the ocean. We have no real reason to believe that life ONLY exists here on one planet of the estimated 100 billion planets in our galaxy. Which is one of 200 billion galaxies.

    The lack of evidence thus far only suggests that life might be more rare, or harder to detect, than previously thought. It implies nothing about us being truly alone in the universe.