heh. TIL. thanks for that!
heh. TIL. thanks for that!
on licence. right, what’s that, then? will they have any other sort of restrictions once they get out at minimum 36?
Manowar had that one song titled ‘Pleasure slave’, if memory serves. No idea if it was a serious song or not. Those were some weird times for music.
you’re fighting a losing battle. ‘having kids is a good thing’ is the only piece of propaganda that is distributed to probably every human. and probably the oldest one, too. it’s also a base instinct, sort of hard to override by reasoning, as anyone who’s ever been horny or hungry can probably attest. this is probably the best example on here related to the posted question.
for what it’s worth, I do think you are correct
I mean, all life on Earth is basically carbon based and that’s how oil formed in the first place, organic matter burried deep and left there for a very long time. We’d just have to find a way to put organic matter in the places we extract oil from now.
Living things already pull carbon out of the atmosphere (via plants, for instance - plants pull carbon from the air and nitrogen from the soil, and along with water build up all manner of sugars and proteins. animals then eat those and they become the building blocks for the animal’s body). They also put some back as byproducts of metabolism - CO2 for higher organisms, methane for some bacteria. Living things just go through a cycle and none of the carbon remains locked away, as it was in the case of oil deposits. All that oil was at some point huge hunks of living, breathing, eating, multiplying beings. So we wouldn’t actually need to form it into a solid rock before disposing of it.
I don’t know, maybe we can just dig an extremely deep pit and shove all our organic waste down there. Or make some very sturdy concrete tombs (similar to nuclear waste, minus the lead) and just seal it all away, but it’d have to be completely sealed so as not to seep into the environment around it. Or deep enough so that it won’t contaminate groundwater if it does.
it certainly has some ‘war is peace, freedom is slavery’ (and all that) vibes
Ah, you are a person of culture(s) as well, I see
Sounds to me like an advancement on what Black & White started many years ago. Or what Spore should have been like at the end stage.
especially the looting, that was done for the woman and the children. I bet they’ll donate looted items to some charity /s
Huh, I always thought pineapples and tomatoes were canned in non-aluminium tins that also have a coating on the inside to prevent corrosion. Them tins don’t really feel as soft as a beer or soda can.
It can also lead to priapism if you somehow (through great pain, I’d imagine) manage to retract it and the tight part becomes stuck during an erection. If not treated in time the lack of circulation leads to necrosis.
It’s easier to tell people to just use a rubber when on antibiotics rathern than explain to them that it’s only for some unpronounceable substances for most of the population and have them memorize a list of substances for which it’s safe to go on as usual - azithromycin is safe, amoxicillin is not. They may sound fairly similar to a layman.
It’s because some substances (in this case, antibiotics) mess with the units in your body that process them and prepare them for excretion. They may inhibit or induce them, but these units process a whole load of other stuff. Including birth control, which can lead to less activity from the birth control pills because they’re inactivated quicker (in case of induction) or the biotransformation to the active form is slower (in case of inhibition, for prodrugs that are inactive as is, but have active metabolites, no idea if this is the case for birth control though).
A similar thing happens with alcohol, for example, which is why you should always be honest with exactly how much alcohol you drink or what other drugs you take when talking to an anaesthesiologist, or any doctor prescribing you any sort of medicine, lest you risk ineffective anaesthesia or treatment (the first one is worse imo).
It does appear to be more of a philosophical issue than a physical one. The beauty of it, as I see it, is that it doesn’t really matter if true or not. Even if true, pain and pleasure will still continue to be ‘real’, so will hunger or addiction, at least as real as we can tell. It won’t lead to any sort of mass detachment from existence or to any ‘there is no spoon’ moment.
I was going to say that finding out it’s a simulation would lead us to try and hack it. But then it dawned upon me that it’s what we’re already doing.
No matter what, business as usual.
The results section of the full pdf is an interesting read, though I’m not entirely sure what to make of it. It poses an interesting question and ends on an grim tone (if truly an experiment, it’s probably not the last).
I am confused whether I should put my tinfoil hat on or not.
It’s almost as if the ones that singled her out have no knowledge of history and the concept of martyrdom.
So they’re either stupid or actually agree with her ideas but still have to do their jobs, but in the worst way.
Yes, as others have said, it’s paracetamol with some other stuff.
Something I’ve not seen mentioned yet however is to please be mindful that these do contain it and try to not take additional paracetamol (say, in tablet form) without watching your dose. Paracetamol overdose leads to some very nasty effects. Be careful not to exceed the daily dose of paracetamol, as stated in the product insert.
no, no, no, chuuu-pacabra
Remember when they did this?
may I introduce you to the very real concepts of anti-vaccine people and flat-earthers? or the people disregarding health advice during the pandemic because of some global conspiracy to kill people with masks
regarding your edit there, I guess most people stopped reading at ‘essential oils’ without knowing where this was going.
this is one (the only?) actual medical use for these things - their main thing is that they smell in a certain way that is consistent, so you use them to retrain your sense of smell. that’s it. no taking internally or applying to skin or whatever. just take the stopper off the wee bottle, sniff and repeat for as many bottles as you can be arsed.
when I had covid-19, I didn’t have so well defined scents on hand, but I did have several colognes I could sniff, and I knew fairly well how they were supposed to smell and could use those to gauge my senses. fun times, they were…