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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Even at face value, the whole “candidate earns your vote!” spiel is just not how our system works.

    We have two options. You can nudge the outcome a tiny bit in either direction by directly voting for one, or you can let the other voters decide for you by either abstaining or voting 3rd, but end result is red team or blue team.

    It’d be ideal if one of those actually did ‘earn’ your vote, but it doesn’t always pan out that way. If you’re not an idiot, you choose the one that’s least bad.

    …and this election, one of the two options is a fucking Nazi.

    I think Harris actually has done plenty to earn my vote beyond the whole lesser evil schtick, but frankly my praise or complaints about her are all moot because she’s not a fucking Nazi.

    Stein wants to trick people into wasting their nudge away from the Nazi. Stein is helping the Nazi. Stein can go fuck herself.

  • Not just the Palpatine/Skywalker story, but the Jedi and Sith / light side vs dark side as a whole are all a dusty crater that used to be the site of a beaten, dead horse.

    Space wizards and laser swords have been WAAAAY overdone.

    I fucking loved Rogue One and Andor, in part because they did such a good job of showcasing other elements of the Star Wars universe in a way that isn’t the same tired good guy vs bad guy schtick. In both productions, we see both the dirty side of the Republic and the albeit hyperauthoritarian but not evil side of the Empire.

    The Acolyte is back to space wizards… the little I’ve read about it sounds like kind of a space CSI type show, and honestly I can see the potential in that so long as it’s not too heavy on the same tropes they keep trying to redo.

    I’d really like to see more stuff that showcases members of the empire as being totally sold on their cause. Dedra Meero and Syril Karn are fucking fantastic examples - they weren’t strong-armed into submission by the Empire, they were completely indoctrinated and served with pride and patriotism: from their perspective, they’re believably the ‘good guys’ doing their best to fight the ‘dirty Rebel terrorists’.

    We see a touch of this in EA’s SW Battlefront II with Iden Versio and her squad: basically special ops Storm Troopers doing their job professionally and with camaraderie amongst each other. The scene with the death star exploding, unexpectedly for the squad on the planet below, was great: they just watched all their friends get obliterated before their eyes, and they go through a quick transition from speechless to “our friends are all dead” to “oh fuck we gotta MOVE or we’re dead too!”. Again, their perspective is believably not evil - they’re serving what they genuinely feel are the ‘good guys’. Then the switch to the light side arch kicks in and we’re back to old SW tropes, but the first hour or so is pretty solid!

    Something like that adapted as a TV series or movie has a lot of potential imo. Showcase Storm Troopers as a legit military force and not just a bunch of bumbling idiots who can’t shoot straight. Pull inspiration from things like Jarhead, Band of Brothers or even fucking MASH lol.

    There’s so much more to SW than space wizards and light v dark!

  • oppose nazis

    I mean, apparently that’s a lot to ask in today’s world, so your SO isn’t wrong, but having a kid for that purpose is ethically questionable, and cruel as fuck to the individual kid.

    “Sorry lil Timmy, your world is absolutely FUCKED but you’ve been chosen as a bucket of water to throw at the wild fire… good luck!”

    The idea of having a kid is just mean. Or at least whipping one up from scratch is - adopting and raising the kid to be a decent person is the best case scenario here, but that’s obviously a gargantuan undertaking that very few (absolute badass) people are willing and able to do.

  • I guess let’s pick apart each one:

    Ocean water - idk how the release would play out, but I’m picturing an opening big enough for a person to fit through, like a manhole, releasing as a stream. While a lot, I don’t think that’d be near enough to cause a hydroplaning situation, but it’d DEFINITELY get them off my ass, so win. Assuming the highest potential for harm here, all 3m³ released at the same time, yeah that could fuck up their trajectory in a way that sends them upsided down into a ditch… but if they’re tailgating, they’re already putting my safety in jeopardy, so they’ve crossed the line into me not caring if the solution does the same to theirs. Closest thing I’ve done IRL was spotting a piece of debris (chunk of a bumper or something from another car) on the road ahead while being tailgated, and I waited until the VERY last second to dodge it - the dude tailgating didn’t have time to react, so he drove right into it. Made a really satisfying crunch, and he pulled over presumably to check for damages. Lost sight of him shortly after, since I just kept going. Could it have hurt or even killed him? Yeah, if he turned sharp and started rolling or something. Could his driving habits have seriously hurt or killed me? Also yes, so fuck him: my goal is to get him off my ass, not baby him.

    Locust - Not seeing the potential for harm here. The religious nuts would be on high alert watching for fireballs coming down from the sky or rivers to turn to blood; but locusts are just big grasshoppers - not like they’re going to start hunting people down. Seeing that hysteria unfold would be great fun!

    Hornets - Kinda same spiel as the driving bit. You’ve probably seen that response to the paradox of tolerance, if not clicky. We’re talking about a group of people whose goal it is to harm/kill me, my family, my neighbors, etc. And since that’s the case, I don’t owe them protection from harm. Hornet it up.