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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I have cancer. It’s SUPER fun having to deal with drug shortages every fucking month, let me tell you. Nothing makes a cancer patient feel better than having to call around to local pharmacies to see who can fill a painkiller prescription. And you can’t call for a refill even a single day before your current scrip is out. So they can’t have it ready for you or set it aside. You run out and then you have to fucking FIGHT to not have to deal with withdrawal on top of the pain. EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.

    But you know, profits are more important than health care. So I get it. Can’t have CEO’s going hungry just because I’m in a little pain.

  • This was my first thought as well. ~100 weekend days per year, ~40 years, that’s ~4,000 days just on the weekends. From memory, our tiny plane took up 8 jumpers (4 tandem pairs) and it looked like it was prepared to make plenty of trips per day. But even at a VERY conservative one trip per weekend day, that’s 32,000 jumps.

    And FWIW, pretty sure this is the place I actually went skydiving (tandem jump) many years ago. Can’t recall the name, but I doubt Lodi is overloaded with skydiving centers. They seemed to be relatively busy with people there who were not randos like me but regulars with their own gear who looked like they did this often. I would not be surprised if the number of total jumps over 4 decades was well into the hundreds of thousands if not millions.