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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • There isn’t much of a difference between writing a theme for Guthemberg and the classic editor. In fact your current theme should work just fine in Guthemberg as it just adds the extra html for the built in blocks to your posts / pages. You aren’t required to create a block based theme and split everything into blocks, that’s kind of a myth around Guthemberg.

  • Yes, this industry is pretty much a race to the bottom (when it comes to wages) by adding methodologies and micromanagement at every corner to make people more “productive”. It’s just sad to see that most people don’t realize that they’re in the race to the bottom just because IT is still paying more than average and/or doesn’t require as many certificates as other fields to get into. The downside of the lack of professionalization is that people abuse developers everyday and the benefits like having more freedom to negotiate your higher than average salary are quickly vanishing in the fact of ever more complex software and big consulting companies taking over internal development teams and departments companies used to have.

    To make things worse cloud / SaaS providers keep profiting from this mess by reconfiguring the entire development industry in a way that favors the sell of their services and takes away all the required knowledge developers used to have when it came to development and deploying solutions. Companies such as Microsoft and GitHub are all about re-creating and reconfiguring the way people develop software so everyone will be hostage of their platforms. We now have a generation of developers that doesn’t understand the basic of their tech stack, about networking, about DNS, about how to deploy a simple thing into a server that doesn’t use some orchestration with service x or isn’t a 3rd party cloud xyz deploy-from-github service.

    Consulting companies who make software for others also benefit from this “reconfiguration” as they are able to hire more junior or less competent developers and transfer the complexities to those cloud services. The “experts” who work in consulting companies are part of this as they usually don’t even know how to do things without the property solutions. Let me give you an example, once I had to work with E&Y, one of those big consulting companies, and I realized some awkward things while having conversations with both low level employees and partners / middle management, they weren’t aware that there are alternatives most of the time. A manager of a digital transformation and cloud solutions team that started his career E&Y, wasn’t aware that there was open-source alternatives to Google Workplace and Microsoft 365 for e-mail. I probed a TON around that and the guy, a software engineer with an university degree, didn’t even know that was Postfix was and the history of email.

    All those new technologies keep pushing this “develop and deploy” quickly and commoditizing development - it’s a negative feedback loop that never ends. Yes I say commoditizing development because if you look at it those techs only make it easier for the entry level developer and companies instead of hiring developers for their knowledge and ability to develop they’re just hiring “cheap monkeys” that are able to configure those technologies and cloud platforms to deliver something. At the end of the they the business of those cloud companies is transforming developer knowledge into products/services that companies can buy with a click.

  • The article misses one thing, typically companies that use XGH can’t keep most developers around for more than two years. You end up with teams that are constantly changing members and there are usually 2 or 3 very old guys that stick around and doesn’t give a shit either way.

    When you get to a job and you find that all people are new and there are new teams being created for everything and whatnot that’s a very strong signal that XGH is employed on that bussiness.

  • That’s not a solution, it is the exact opposite - adding even more compilation and complexity to things. The ideia is to move away from compiled stuff as much as possible. WebAssembly makes sense for very complex and low level stuff that you can’t run interpreted with reasonable performance.

    Less compilation usually equals code more maintainable in the long run. Think about it: if you don’t need a compiler and the hundreds of dependencies that will eventually break things will last way more time. Websites from the 90’s still work fine on modern browsers and you can update them easily while compiled stuff is game over once you lose the ability to install run said compiler and related dependencies.

  • I believe both are true… and I also develop a LOT in Angular (with TypeScript).

    TypeScript is great but the thing is that if you look at the history of TypeScript and JS/ECMAScript you’ll find out that TypeScript sometimes is the testing ground for the future features of ECMAScript - pretty much like what happens with Sass and CSS that how even has nesting and scopes.

    The issue with TypeScript/Sass etc. is that it requires a compiler and that’s totally obnoxious and completely defeats the point of having interpreted code on browsers. Depending on the project it might be better to go for TypeScript + Angular/React or other compiled solution or simply something vanilla with jQuery or the Vue runtime (no compilation) and other libraries.

    If TypeScript ever goes away the underlaying features that make it great will be implemented in ECMAScript in the same way that we got modules, classes etc. and I really hope it happens. Less compilation usually equals code more maintainable in the long run because you won’t require hundreds of dependencies (that will eventually break) to get it to compile.

  • I don’t disagree with you. I believe I wasn’t very clear about my view.

    Swift is great yes, a very decent language and as you said also made to take UIs into consideration and I’ve nothing against it. Now, when people do projects like this it usually comes from a place of need, of not being very happy with the current toolset and/or the belief that something could be made better. This project, besides being a student project, must have some roots into that as well.

    I’m happy there are Swift bindings available but it really just proves what I said earlier - people feel the need to experiment with other things because their current Qt toolset might not be enough or provide a great experience.

    but there are also options in the Windows world. Everybody isn’t using what Microsoft uses and even Microsoft doesn’t use the same UI toolkit everywhere.

    Yes… but we all know there’s a LOT more fragmentation in the Linux space. Qt is probably the most cohesive and ecosystem-like way to develop desktop Linux applications but once again it’s not like what we have on Apple and Microsoft. Both of those companies provide at least one complete development ecosystem that is very tightly integrated with their systems and one can pick up learn and be very productive with it and unfortunately under Linux we things a bit more scattered around.

  • TCB13@lemmy.worldtoProgramming@programming.devWriting GNOME Apps with Swift
    3 months ago

    I’ve said it countless times, and I’ll say it again:

    Half of the success of Windows and macOS is the fact that they provide solid and stable APIs and development tools that “make it easy” to develop for those platforms and Linux is very bad at that. The major pieces of Linux are constantly and ever changing requiring large and frequent re-works of apps. There aren’t distribution “sponsored” IDEs (like Visual Studio or Xcode), userland API documentation, frameworks etc.;

    Things on the Linux GUI land are so messed up that we even got this. Well, at least with Swift and Adwaita for Swift we may get to something closer to stable, long term APIs and useful documentation…