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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Actually good point, I was thinking the lady gaga episode, but I don’t know if at this point that is still the lowest rated. But really, even not going by ratings and just going each persons personal opinion, the worst episode they can think of, or even while they are watching it, thinking, " this isn’t a great episode". It’s still better than most other stuff on tv, just not a good episode of simpsons.

    Kind of like saturday night live, even the bad episodes and seasons are still a pretty good show. And easy to appreciate the effort involved.

  • In some ways it kinda helps, the larger physical structures of the older computer hardware make it naturally more resistant to cosmic radiation than new stuff. New stuff just needs more shielding though, so not a huge deal.

    But a big part of it staying viable for this long is that it was designed in a way that made it possible. Alot of forethought went into making sure it would last as long as possible. While they didn’t expect it to for sure last this long, they did at least want to make sure the reason it didn’t wasn’t because they didn’t plan for the possibility. There was a decent element of luck too, as there were more unknowns back then about what it was going to be subjected to on its journey.

    The whole way the onboard computer functions was optimized for remote repair though, because of course the plan was to never see it again, and they knew it was going to need to be repaired alot despite. So at any point in it’s “thought process” it is waiting to be interrupted by a call from earth telling it to stop all that and basically dump the entire contents of it’s operating memory. And can recieve an entire rewrite of it too, with built-in checks to make sure it recieved it right before starting to operate from it again. Luckily an entire rewrite of everything it can possibly hold is 70kb. So despite the distance and chance of failure, it’s still not that bad of an ordeal.

  • Liquid is incompressible.

    Compressing a gas to nearly 100x it’s natural density is going to dramatically increase it’s temperature. In simplified mechanics, you can basically think of it like all the energy that makes it the temperature it is naturally will still be there when it is 1% of it’s original size. So all that energy is “overlapping” and adding together to make it’s new temperature based on there being 100x as much energy in each place now. Even if it started at 10 degrees Kelvin, assuming a linear gain, it would be 1000 degrees Kelvin after compressing.

    Of course all of that is super simplified and not the “real” math or mechanics in all their complexity. But it should help illustrate why it would not be possible or a good time.

    And that is only the temperature half of it. Compressing an area to 100 atmospheres, which I’m presuming would be the level of pressure necessary to get that gas (or a safer slightly less dense one) to the needed density range, would also be pretty dangerous if not immediately fatal to the human. Again that level of pressure is assuming a linear gain, I don’t know for sure if it would be linear.

    So even if you manage to find something you could breathe, you wouldn’t be able to at that level of pressure. You would need to be wearing a suit that can be pressurized and breathing from something that isn’t feeling that pressure. Which completely defeats the whole point of choosing a medium to be immersed in that doesn’t require a suit or tank like being in water does.

    It is however, theoretically possible to breathe liquids. Just incredibly uncomfortable for humans. There are humans that have survived it in experiments. After an initial adjustment period where your brain is certain you are drowning for a few minutes, eventually you are able to over ride that when you don’t die. Then you can hang out for a bit not dying despite it seeming like you should be… and then when you are done breathing liquid, the terrible part starts, you have to get the remaining liquid out of your lungs so there is room to put air in them again. As much as the rest is not great, transitioning back to air was universally considered the worst part of the experiment.

  • Hmm, maybe I have to change some wording. That is not at all the tone I was going for, I’m not angry or anything like that. And certainly not trying to direct anything at one specific person, or defend any terrible companies doing the things I specifically am saying shouldn’t feel comfortable. I’ll see what I can do to the post to clear things up some.

    But I do agree that if you wouldn’t make a friend do something, you shouldn’t feel ok making a stranger do it, do it yourself or don’t do it.

    The post is not some line for line rebuttal, it’s more of a loose essay based off a hypothetical posit.

  • How convenient should it be?

    How much would you pay a friend you see every couple months that is friends with your other friends to go out and buy fast food for you while you sit at home playing videogames instead?

    What amount of money would make that feel ok to you?

    Assuming it would take more than 2 dollars to feel ok with that, why is it ok to spend less on a stranger doing it? And how much less is ok?

    The “that’s somebody’s job, they signed up for that” mentality that prevents so many people from doing what little they can to make that job suck just a little bit less at often times nearly no cost to themselves, like not clearing their trays/garbage at a fast food place, or leaving all their stuff at their seats in a movie theater… it’s such a pervasive mentality, “I don’t -have- to do it, so why should I?”.

    Do you want to live in a world where people are nice to you, well too bad, cuz they don’t -have- to be. As long as that mentality persists, we can’t have that world. Doing things you don’t -have- to do to make someone else’s life just a little easier, is the foundation of basic kindness.

  • My sister has it too, her misophonia makes her dramatically more sensitive to any higher pitched sounds. And her borderline personality disorder combines to translate that annoyance directly into anger. She can still hang out with kids if they are being calm and quiet. But it’s risky. The kids know that when she gets mad it wasn’t their fault. They seem to handle it well, but we’ll only really know in time. They currently still enjoy hanging out with her, so that’s a positive sign.

    If you have the same thing, as far as I know there is no way to stop it. But cbt(cognitive behavioral therapy) and things like that can help you be more present and mindful while experiencing those effects. Generally enough to prevent unwanted explosions and extricate yourself to a more comfortable environment to calm down over time.

  • Unfortunately, you don’t always get to pick your labels. You can among friends and family, but it doesn’t change what people that don’t know you think. And people that don’t know you are often the people whose minds need the most changing.

    Hopefully posts like this reach people that need their mind changed on how identity works and what matters about it and why.

  • Not everything is two teams where one team is the winner and one team is the loser. You don’t have to pick a team and automatically everything that team does is good and everything the other team does is bad. Sometimes everything is bad. A bad thing happening to one side, and a bad thing happening to the other side, are both bad things that happened.

    There is of course significant nuance, and way more detail in what happens in a real life event. And even when something is “presented” as 2 sides, it’s really thousands of sides that only kind of align somewhat with each other on some things.

    Having said all that, the vast majority of people think they both shouldn’t have killed people on any sides. But there are alot of added up underlying causes. And while many people are constantly trying to solve the problem peacefully, there are other people that either can’t wait that long, or don’t find peace to be the best way to go for other reasons.

    Real life problems are hard to solve, and while people work to solve one, other ones are likely getting more out of hand, or even the one they are working on is. Luckily there are so many of us that are able to work towards solutions, but it certainly helps when there are at least more people trying to solve problems than the amount that are trying to cause them, or ignoring them.

    In summary, no we don’t suck hamas dick. They did a bad thing too. And while they had reason to be upset, there were certainly better ways to go about it. As is the general case in life, being angry is reasonable, but murdering people due to being angry is not.