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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • About a decade ago at a job in Philly, we’d hunt down the spOt Burger cart (that’s how they capitalized it). Tiny little trailer/cart only big enough for one person to stand in, and this guy would park it somewhere new around center city/university city area every day. My memory is a little hazy so I might have some details wrong, but every day he’d grind a blend of ribeye and filet fresh to make the burgers in his cart, cooked around a medium, and served them on a brioche bun with pickled red cabbage and some other fixings. He got the fat content just perfect with the steak blend, and the toppings were unexpected but incredible together.

    I haven’t been back in awhile but I heard he was opening a brick and mortar restaurant because his cart was so successful. Hope it’s true!

  • How to manage your mail comes down to what type of person you are. There’s a lot of great advice here for “Type A” people who don’t find it burdensome to follow a regimen, however simple, and keep things tagged/foldered/scheduled appropriately.

    Type Bs might try that, have it work for a week, fall behind, and naturally let the process die. I’m that person.

    What works for me is only caring about two kinds of messages: unread ones and starred ones. If I read a message and there’s something I need to do because of it, I click star. Instead of using my Inbox as-is, I make my main view a filter that only shows unreads at the top, and starred messages (newest to oldest) below. Messages I read but don’t star immediately disappear. Messages I unstar immediately disappear. Nothing is deleted because I rely heavily on search to give me a refresher about certain topics that came up anywhere from the day before to three years ago.

    I’ve never been an Apple Mail user— my personal and work email accounts are both Gmail, and Mimestream on Mac supports the above workflow really nicely. It’s a native gmail client that uses the gmail API directly, so things like tagging and snoozing work when you need them, and the search isn’t trying to search gigs of messages on your local hard disk.