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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • However, it’s not how people generally define their identity. For example, I was born in Ukraine and my ancestors all lived in Ukraine for centuries, but I don’t think of myself as Ukrainian and they didn’t think of themselves as Ukrainian

    I think this is kinda the point, that the way ethnicities define themselves are typically based on a misunderstanding of genetics and a bygone definition of race.

    I for example am half Korean and half Czech, according to how both those ethnicities self identify I don’t really qualify for either. To my Korean family I’m a tall white guy who looks kinda Korean, To my Czech family I’m just a very big Korean dude.

    I personally think that ethnicity and culture should be shared, and that gate keeping culture based on antiquated ideologies like race just perpetuates our worse tribal instincts.

    Of course that could be some implicit biases coming out to play. If I believed that ethnic purity was a beneficial quality, I’d be in trouble.

  • And maybe you should learn to listen to disabled people about ableism

    I don’t think you get to define ableism for all disabled people…

    never mind actual guidelines on how to work with disabled people in general, and people with Down’s Syndrome specifically,

    Those are all guides for educators… I work in medicine, this isn’t applicable to your argument or this discussion?

    Hell, these jobs attract people who think they’re better than us, and know better than us about us). And yet, to an outsider in an ableist society, you seem more qualified to speak on disability than disabled people are, and you confirm their ableist bias which makes them comfortable and even less willing to listen to us, so well done on actively contributing to ableism cycle…

    I think you may be inappropriately projecting your own feelings about your condition, whatever it may be, to this particular argument. Just because you are disabled, doesn’t mean that you represent everyone with a disability. I have a disability, which is one of the reasons I went into my field. However, that doesnt mean I truly understand what it’s like for people with other disabilities. I can just provide context based on my own perspective and what I have learned in school and from my patients.

    but mostly I feel bad for your clients

    Get over yourself, you’re not the only disabled person on the Internet. Some of us just don’t make it the centerpiece of their entire personality.

  • Presuming competence is one of the cornerstones of working with and caring for disabled people.

    That’s a nonsensical idiom. You have to evaluate every patient’s competency and ability to achieve patient compliance individually, disabled or not.

    Maybe try that, instead of essentially erasing her achievements and agency? No group is a monolith

    Which is why I didn’t make any definitive statement, I just stated a reasonable concern. There are a plethora of examples of parents or organizations taking advantage of people with disabilities.

    While no groups of people are monoliths, many people who share certain diagnoses will share similar personality traits. For example we wouldn’t assume someone with a social anxiety disorder would thrive as a public speaker.

    Maybe it’s your own bias you should be worried about.

    Maybe you should adopt a more dialectical approach to subjects you don’t have experience in. Not everything fits within a dichotomy of right or wrong, context is everything.

  • Brittney Griner was a celebrity stuck in a political dispute, Whelan is a totally different case. I don’t think he was spying for the CIA, but he was up to some pretty sketchy stuff, and he has an even sketchier past.

    He’s claimed to work as a police officer in multiple places that say they have no record of him, or that he only worked there for a short time. He was court marshalled for larceny and given a bad conduct discharge. Even after his discharge he was hired as head of security for a global firm that did business in Russia. Even ignoring the fact that he holds like 4 different citizenships, just the information that he has provided himself is super sketchy.

    I wouldn’t be in any rush to to spend political capital on this dude either.

  • I’m not sure you know who Jane Street is.

    I understand they do quantitative trading, which is mostly just a new marketing term for something people have been doing for ages.

    they do not have clients. Jane Street invests on their own behalf,

    No… They are a liquidity provider, they still have clients.

    As far as what you said about connections and convincing people to join your portfolio, that’s not relevant as JS traders do not have investment clients

    Liquidity providers rely on clientele and reputation just as much as any other trading company.

  • Militarily speaking, the situation is similar to Cuba and US during the Cold War. Taking control of the island will grant them more military security.

    I don’t really know if that makes a whole bunch of sense… The only country with the capabilities of attacking China is the US. The only real provocation that may spark that military conflict is an attack on Taiwan or South Korea.

    Taiwan isn’t even that advantageous of a location for an invasion either way, the strait of Formosa would be a death trap for any amphibious landing. The most militarily important region for China is and always has been the Korean peninsula.

    I think Chinas main motivation is that Taiwan disrupts their plans to completely control trade routes in the South China sea. Once the 9 dash line is under control and expanded to include the territorial waters of Taiwan, China will have a defacto monopoly on trade for most of eastern Asia.

  • You say he wasn’t particularly gifted but he was definetly smart no? I mean him graduating from MIT is at least evidence that he is not suffering from brain-damage.

    I don’t think he was witless, I just think he presented himself as a boy genius when in reality he was just a narcissist with ADHD. He spent a lot of time developing a persona that mixed imagery of Steve Jobs and Aaron Swartz.

    But if you actually look into his actual work… None of it’s groundbreaking, especially considering all the innovative aspects of ftx were all lies built upon fraud.

  • That’s not true at all… Connections go a lot further in wall street than intellect. Even if you’re an extremely talented trader, unless you’re taking a lot of risk, you’re still going to be doing just slightly better than average. The most important aspect of trading is convincing people to join your portfolio, so people with affluent families have a huge advantage.