• 1 Post
Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2024

  • Watch a video on First Past the Post voting and demand your local and state representatives go on record their stance on electoral reform.

    Those who oppose democracy must be ran against. Primary/general election whatever.

    Probably to late to get electoral reform without a general strike at this stage, but we can start working on getting more people involved in the political process next election.

    Towards being free to vote for who best represents us, safe in the knowledge that our vote will still be counted against those we dont want in office.

    Democrats believe in democracy right? Let’s find out together.

  • So I see you’re concerned about the mathematical flaws of First past the post voting and the spoiler effect that comes along with it.

    Did you know that alternative electoral systems exist? Ones where there isn’t a spoiler effect even. I feel like most democrats, like yourself, understand these faults quite well. It is after all, the entire subject of your comment.

    So why are you mad about people who want to vote outside the two party system? Shouldn’t your anger be better directed at the two legacy poltical parties that protect this flawed voting system?

    We all understand that republicans like First Past The Post voting. They are moving to protect FPTP voting in states they control. However, democrats say they support democracy. So can you tell me why they continue to use FPTP voting in the majority of states they control?

    It’s not like this is a new issue. Its not like the democratic party just found out about the spoiler effect that comes with First Past The Post voting. Democrats have been quick to point out the flaws of our voting system longer then I’ve been alive.

    Again, if the democrats are so informed of the flaws of the voting system, why does it persist in the vast majority of blue states? Who is preventing this reform? It’s not the republicans… they aren’t in power in these states. In a two party system, that would leave only one political party responsible for this spoiler effect.

    The democrats.

    They have sat on their hands for countless decades, understanding the problem yet doing nothing to resolve the issue.

    So you see, you should be mad at the democratic party for putting their party over the needs of the people. Not the people who want to vote a certain way.

    It’s unreasonable to blame those unrepresented in government for what is. This is what we voted for… again… and again… and again. Over and over. This is the result.

  • Bull



    Unlike many things… electoral reform is 100% possible at the state level. We don’t need federal reform to do away with First Past The Post voting.

    Perhaps it’s to late to accomplish electoral reform for this election without a general strike… but don’t fool yourself that electing democrats will automatically solve our artificially limited electoral system woes.

    Democrats admit themselves they understand the flaws of FPTP voting. They are 10,000% fully aware.

    Just go anywhere online or leave your basement and go IRL (eww) and talk to a liberal about voting 3rd party. They will fully inform you that your vote will be wasted, how it will be a spoiler for the election. This admission has not just their hands covered in red, the whole town is painted red. The democrats KNOW about the mathematical flaws of the voting system. They bring it up EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.

    Yet… First Past The Post voting persists in blue states. Who is stopping this reform, election after election, if the republicans are not in power on these states? If it’s not the republicans, who wholeheartedly support FPTP voting, then who? Who is even left in a two party system? No where to hide blue conservatives, you’ve shown your hand.

    Maine and Alaska have already accomplished this task, what the hell is the hold up in states democrats control?

    Cast your “damage control vote part 69” this election. But don’t leave it at that. Don’t wait another 2 years and go “well guys, guess we have to vote lemon lime flavored genocide light again”. Fuck that. Fix this shit. Fix it in your state. We all know that you understand the problem. So stop fucking ignoring it!

  • They work towards passing state level electoral reform in their respective states so they are free to vote for who best represents them. All while secure in the knowledge that their vote would still be counted against the republicans.

    It is possibly to late for this election without a general strike. But possible it remains. In fact, Alaska and Maine have already done away with First-past-the-post voting.

    Democrats believe in democracy right? If so, why do the vast majority of blue states continue to use First Past the Post voting?

    Tell any blue conservative that you are considering voting 3rd party and they will show that they understand the mathematical flaws of our voting system. Yet they do nothing to fix the issue between elections. Curious.