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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I can envision this being like Shark Tank, but with the added benefit of educating uninformed minds as to why these people are idiots.

    The gimmick only really works from season to season if you occasionally allow one of these freaks to win.

    Also sets up this ridiculous standard of “debate”, wherein arguing over a thing is considered more important than actually understanding a thing. Episode after episode of people making increasingly fanciful claims and fraudulent proofs will simply reinforce the idea that the Earth is, in fact, flat. If you have a parade of people asserting with supreme confidence that this theory is true, you create the impression that there is some serious doubt about the shape of the planet.

  • What’s the point of all that expensive hardware if they have no clue what to do with it

    I mean, if you straight up don’t know how to use a computer at all then that’s fair. But I don’t think the suggestion is that you learn how to code before you learn how to work a mouse. Hell, the whole target audience for the joke is people who are already online.

  • Its a good litmus test for people who are genuinely interested versus people who just heard “Lern 2 Kode” from a hustler on YouTube and thought they could bullshit their way through it.

    But also, you’ll notice the cartoon character getting handed a nice looking laptop and keyboard. How cool is that? A cartoonist handing you a few hundred dollars worth of hardware plus presumably an always-on internet connection. Imagine if everyone had those kinds of resources just tossed to them at the asking.

  • Rolling up and getting started is a great way to find some really sloppy ways to do some initially very fascinating tricks. Like, its not a terrible idea on its face.

    But there’s a huge difference between learning some javascript tricks or python commands to macro with and professionally designing a full stack. Really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.

    Best thing in the world is a fresh faced young developer who is eager to learn everything you put in front of them. Worst thing in the world is someone who only half-knows how to code but thinks they can do a proper mobile app from first principles. Every time I see a mile of copypasta spaghetti code sitting inside a single oversized Main() function, I die inside.

  • The Norberta reveal actually happens in Deathly Hallows.

    No wonder I don’t remember. That book was a fat blur.

    And frankly, I don‘t see a shift that is connected to the movies.

    I saw it more in Book 4 and 5, when her writing style changed from something akin to Roald Dahl into a more Twilight/Hunger Games esque YA dramady. She was in the middle of writing Book 4 when the first film premiered and ended up selling the rights to the movies before the fifth was officially started.

    The size the books swelled, and you could tell there was a lot more editorial/ghost-writer punch ups happening along the way. What started as these cute little Christmas-y children’s stories mutated into enormous screenplays.

    What I actually observed was the overcompensation for criticism two books after the fact

    Once Rowling got on social media and started yapping her yap, I think it cast a shadow on the series. The stuff about goblin bankers being a stand-in for jews and the sloppy way she fumbled through Hermonie’s SPEW plotline took on an increasingly sinister cast as she got more vocal in the wake of her movie debuts.

    Also not unlike Roald Dahl, the media comments forced people to re-contextualize a bunch of these fantasy tropes as legit derogatory views.

    Whether they were there early on or whether they only really found their legs once Rowling started hanging out with a bunch of rich British freaks… idk. But they definitely became more obvious as she climbed the economic ladder.