Good. Religion is evil and this is going to make the world better
Good. Religion is evil and this is going to make the world better
washington has 7.8 million people and consumed 750,773 megawatt hours in 2022 https://www.eia.gov/electricity/state/washington/
We need to bring back the station wagon
Fuck off denialist
Housing is the #1 investment in China by a long shot, what are you talking about?
the birthrates are falling arguably too fast now, one estimate says we’re no longer on track for 10 billion people by 2100, down to 9.1b now
people had larger families in the era where cars were smaller. no one needs an SUV in a city, they’re meant for hauling firewood to the remote cabin where there’s no paved roads
Some numbnut pushed nvidia driver code with compilation errors and now I have to use an old Kernel until it’s fixed
They’re starving the whole Gaza strip you fucking Nazi
the thing is that EVs are agnostic to their energy source. you could get 100% from your own home solar panel setup if you wanted to
so few people live in rural areas (as opposed to suburban cowboys who wonder why their :rural area" has so much traffic) that it’s a rounding error. like who cares about the middle of nowhere. it’s a distraction to even bring it up. this conversation is explicitly about metropolitan areas
but why should that 15% derail conversations about the vast majority of the rest of the country?
reform zoning at the state level and put in protected bike lanes literally everywhere. also kind a lot of people can do a little biking. I can so some trips by bike in by inner ring suburban area
half their economy is oil. the other half’s bleeding out
CNN is now a right wing rag and is pro-genocide
we must destroy AfD because they are the nazi party reborn
America sucks, and I say this as an american
Their votes count more than ours. That’s how trump happened in the first place