It’s largely Sarcasm. And by large, I mean lots. Like, most, if not all of it. It’s gonna be sarcasm.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • After having an exploratory done after getting stabbed, I started sitting all the time because since then, every time I pee standing up it’s uncomfortable and get piss shivers. When they pull everything out, it never goes back quite the same and I guess this is part of the “Well you’re doing this now” part of the rest of my life.

    The piss shivers are messy at a bowl and really fucking awkward when at a urinal.

    I am sure this could be, or have been, fixed with a procedure, or some form of treatment/phsyo, but it took no time at all to realize pitting (pee AND sitting lol) is just better, and didn’t really think or go back to the old ways and practices of expelling my liquid waste.

  • Being pretty anti social and born with bland anger for a facial expression, the masking was welcome. Sure when my hood is up I look like I am going to disappear into the shadows and re-emerge with a lethal implement to satisfy my woke urges for violence and combatting murder using death, but i really like the color black. It’s not my image or anything, just the wardrobe is all.

    That and I am not a healthy human. My physical form is like trash, but without the smell and pleasing taste. So masking up and staying that way has done me pretty well in combination with the shots of mind control serum and jager. Still got covid and it almost killed me. So healthy people not getting the vax kinda blows my mind.

    As I was saying, I have remained at large pretty masked up. I am kinda new in my area. It’s small town, so the antivax crowd is large by volume, but never say anything, really. Mostly dumb looks, and words amongst themselves. Whatever. They are all masking up now because of the really large retirement community that is practically this towns reason for being here.

    just shy of 8k population, everyone has a grandparent here. A hospital that has a dedicated extended care/hospice wing (think terminal and end of life senior citizens) , but no place to donate blood, should paint a picture of what would transpire if a significant outbreak hit the community. There has always been enough seniors at any given time here, that there is a huge focus on their care and wellbeing. While the place is the disneyland of depression and sadness that legit nobody leaves alive, it is very well run. the elderly get treated fairly well by this community which is a shock because coming from a 1m+ city, they almost just disappear.

    But I remind you that at a hospital, you can’t donate blood. Or have a baby there anymore I last heard, but that’s a whole different puddle of soup. A fucking hospital.

    So, while it saddens me that we gotta wait for people to die or be at significant risk to take measures, I welcome back the mask. And even those reluctantly masking up, I appreciate y’all “fuck fine” wearing of it.

    Good luck, and may your sense of taste be forever in your mouth.

  • my youngest brother had a lazy stick. It was a broom handle and a ruler taped together with a couple of chop sticks mixed in to help hold the two together. To avoid getting out of bed, he fashioned this up to turn off the lights in his room. Inspired by Homers broom in the episode of the Simpsons where he gains a ton of weight to go on disability.

    This stick did the trick and even could turn the tv on and off.

    Twenty years later, my brother is currently on a diet and losing a lot of weight. All the weight is post stick and much later in life, but we have a laugh about it every now and again.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I’d outlaw drive through.

    No longer will that fucking line up for coffee reach down the road and over the horizon in the morning. The sitting there for twenty minutes, idling your car as you watch the person in front of you park in the middle of the intersection like an asshole. No.

    Go, park, use the magic of being a biped.

    Now there’s no excuse. You either drink the coffee at work, or face that Starbucks barista you know secretly hates you. Biped your way in the door, get your morning fix with confidence because fuck mark, no barista is going to ruin your day.

    Not while I’m there banning drive throughs to ruin it for you.

    Edit: Barista. I don’t even know what a batista is but could potentially be a bad ass.