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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • I don’t think ultrasonic cleaning is sanitizing. It essentially shakes the thing so that dust and dirt falls off, at least for solid things. It can break up cells (living or otherwise) by shaking them aggressively and breaking them apart; I believe there is an ultrasonic fat reduction technique that utilizes this, where the subdermal fat breaks down and the components and broken cells can be reabsorbed.

    Ultrasonic cleaning devices usually use water as a medium to transfer the vibration to whatever it is you are trying to clean. If you, for example, put a pot roast with all the juices in an ultrasonic cleaner, it would probably break down and eventually turn to mush, from the outside in, likely breaking down softer material first such as any vegetables it was cooked with.

    UV light would not have effect on the physical form, and would likely not have any effect on a cooked/already sanitized item, at least not for the shorter periods of time we use for sanitizing. UV is usually only surface deep though. If you were to n use it on yogurt, the bacteria exposed would die and the coagulated proteins may start to break down. If you were to expose something to UV for a long time, such as fruit or vegetables over a month at room temperature, they wouldn’t have the opportunity to mold or be broken down in the same way. I expect they would either colonize something more capable of living in the UV exposure which would aid their break down, or they would just dehydrated into a rock.

  • There’s a reason for that.

    Ancient apocalypse is what happens when you give a someone who is an outlier opinion in a field they never formally studied money to create a documentary. I would say it’s the ramblings of a bad journalist, but it’s pretty well done honestly. If you are up for “no one has studied this so no one knows this yet (please ignore anyone who says otherwise) but historians are lying to you! One thing they don’t want you to know, click here to learn more!” With nice pictures and some amount of actual information, and a lot of guessing, it’s pretty good. Not scientific, doesn’t pretend it can be backed up with facts, mostly “I’m just asking questions here” vibe. I would note the actual information I mentioned is “this site has been determined to be this old and is located in this geographic location and here are some pretty pictures of it”. There isn’t a ton of factual information, but that’s where each episode starts. He tries to find ‘experts’ and sometimes he will find someone else who hasn’t studied the topic either who will agree with him. Sometimes the best he can find is someone who generally works near by and won’t tell him he is explicitly incorrect.

  • Whenever having a tough conversation, be prepared to either accept whatever they offer or find a new job. Welcome to America, it is what it is.

    You probably signed a contract initially stating the starting rate. You can ask for this. You may have been told the wrong starting salary, you may have been given the bait and switch. It is probably too late to change the past, regardless. You can ask for a raise of $0.50 starting current (or more likely next) pay period. They can say “it’s not the time of year we give raises” and “your would not have been told that, it isn’t our standard” etc. You can look for what their current starting rate is for the job you are currently doing and apply to the same job within the company, when asked why you are doing this you can point out you were denied market value raise.

  • A good friend (platonic relationship) is someone I can see every day, talk to about anything, and I want them in my life regularly. I personally cannot spend 100% all my time with someone who is just a good friend.

    A romantic relationship is a good friend who I can live with and want to share a blanket and cuddle with at the end of the day. It’s someone I might want to hold hands with, kiss, or sleep with. It’s someone I want to come home to at the end of a good day to share good news, or end of a bad day to make it better.

    A sexual relationship is someone I want to kiss and have sex with.

    There are overlap. Romantic friends and friends with benefits are pretty common terms. Having a romantic relationship with sexual interest often ends up in bad relationships; I’ve heard this described as “feels like it should work” or “I loved them but I didn’t like them.”

  • Plumber and electricians are usually employable and paid well, so long the city has that setup. It really depends on the type of place you live though. Higher income city? Landscaper/groundskeeper or house cleaner are good options, people are willing to pay to not need to do normal house chores. Many farms nearby? Livestock vet or slaughter/butcher. Lots of tech? Software/electrical/mechanical engineer, city depending. Someone mentioned teacher but I’d say look at salary first. Location depending, many are not paid well and the job can require up to 70 hours/week, which can be less than minimum wage of the same location. They also mentioned nursing, which is pretty good, but may require long hours depending on where you work.