• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t know why but I’ve been an ER nurse for ten years and the closest I’ve figured is they want help but then get resentful of being told what to do. A lot of mean patients know they aren’t doing the right stuff at home but due to factors they feel ( rightly or wrongly) out of their control they end up with us and are now being told how to act by someone a third of their age! It’s what I tell myself anyway. Remember, we usually just see people on their worst days. The next patient might be nice. If not, the one after that.

  • Yeah, this reads like an AITA post and the answer to op is yes lol. I feel like this is 100% not an autonomy issue like op said either. This is hopefully the pt’s home meds or something but what if it was something that needs levels? The 5 rights are for pt safety and right time is one of the easiest to remember. I think your reply explains it best.

  • This pt isn’t refusing meds though. I’ve been a nurse a long time, only ER but still, putting in note to the ehr instead of doing one’s job is bad practice. They either take it or refuse. In acute care there’s no “probably took it later” option. People can refuse whatever. I tell my patients (who can leave) this isn’t hospital jail but this guy seems to be talking about dumping a cup of pills and leaving.

  • Came to lemmy with the first exodus of redditors.

    Do have mastodon but never use it just like I used to have Twitter and never use it. I might just not understand how people use those services as after I set them up they are just a cluttered feeling version of my rss feeds.

    Pixelfed is neat but I haven’t used Instagram since it first came out so I don’t know how they compare.

    I’ve never liked, subscribed or commented that I know of to a YouTube video but I have learned to fix lots of things. Have not tried peertube.

    More people should use pixelfed.