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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Well that’s refreshing! Thanks for reading my reply and having an open-mind about it! I get that contemporary is not for everyone, but I think most people can be surprised if they just gave it a chance. Lot’s of great (and bad, of course) artists out there. Glad you look at Ai Weiwei’s work. If you get past first impressions and look behind the surface, you’ll see that he never does anything without a reason. Sunflower is an interesting example: it’s not a painting but 100 million (!) porcelain sunflower seeds scattered on the musuem’s floor. Each hand painted if you can believe that. Sunflower seeds are a important symbol in China, and Weiwei is a fierce critic of China’s political regime (pretty much all of his works are about it, he actually went to jail for it). I’ll let you make what you want of this but I think there’s more then meets the eye to this specific work. Cheers

  • Well I actually made a career of what you call “creepy sounds”, lol. It’s called electroacoustic music. Once you take more then a few seconds to listen to it, the “horror” impression quickly goes away.

    Refusing to do any intellectual effort is what led to some young people limiting their cinema experience to marvel movies. I mean, it’s basically visual fast-food, fun from time to time but there’s so much more to discover. I get that it might not be your bag, but spitting on every contemporary artist’s work because you don’t like it is way too closed-mind. I personally don’t care about anime, never have, but I get that some people are into it and don’t need to say they’re all stupid. I’m actually sure I would find some amazing things if had time to look into it. Maybe I will someday. I suggest you look into modern artist. Ai Weiwei is a good start for example.

  • This like saying “hip-hop suck’s because insert douchebag rapper here___ exist.” It clearly shows a lack of understanding of the nature and intentions of art, and it usually comes from people who never never actually even tried to understand it. Being cynical is easy, taking interest in something requires an intellectual effort, which is a thing that seems to be unpopular in modern society. Some people are just better off with ticktock I guess.

  • I mean, if that’s the example you’re going for… It’s actually quite easy to imitate Van Gogh, yet everyone has a reproduction somewhere at home. The fact that it’s easy to imitate doesn’t make it less artistic. If your vision of good art is photorealistic paintings, maybe you should open your mind about it. Have you actually been to some contemporary art exhibitions? I’m not saying you have to like everything but there’s some amazing work being done by passionate people. Generalisation like “modern art is pathetic” doesn’t seem to indicated a real understanding of art and intentions.