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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Yea, most musicians are generally not that well off and have as much free time as you think. Most still work some sort of regular job to offset the cost of living and equipment because they won’t make the money they need to survive solely off of the money from gigs. They do it because they love it and not because they’re making tons of money and have ample free time. Their hobby is music, so whatever downtime they have from regular life, they fill it with playing and writing music. If you’re fortunate enough to be signed to a label, you’re on the road for months out of the year gigging and constantly immersed in your music, and that definitely isn’t a health benefit either. There is a thing down here called the Musicians Clinic - musicians don’t have a typical job and therefore don’t have access to medical insurance like they would if they worked a 9-5 with benefits, so it supplements that to keep them healthy.

    Source: from New orleans, have family that plays music for a living, play live music myself, and know tons of gigging musicians.

  • All these psychopaths saying kill the cat or catch it and relocate it are fucking deranged. Talk to the owners if you know who it is… firstly, I’m sure they would at least be receptive to the problem and if they’re not then maybe look into legal outlets. If you’ve gone out of your way to post on lemmy you’re technically savvy enough to look up local laws. people have also posted actual remediation methods that aren’t terrible and could actually improve your lawn in some scenarios as well so maybe try those out if you’re into them.

    I’m positive that no one wants to lose a pet in any capacity. Just some simple communication with the owners could solve this, and if not, there are other options.

    Sorry you’re going through this though, shit sucks. Pun intended.

  • Just an update on his response that I will edit out only names and identifying remarks.

    “My thoughts? I could write an encyclopedia. You just went down a rabbit hole that enters a wonder land of nightmares. Francis is an “anti-pope.” We had them before in history. Your (cousin) is in the middle of a civil war in the Catholic Church. It is about ready to spill out into the secular world and vice versa. It’s a great time to be alive.”

    He’s generally a great person to be around, I actually play TTRPG’s with him. He respects my beliefs about spirituality without being overly pushy about his. He’s been in the peace corps, and has worked for the state with helping children that are affected by terrible situations as well as hqving done many other generally good things though his life. I only say this because of the context of this discussion which isn’t in the best of light which does not reflect his over all character at all.