• 5 Posts
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Cake day: 2 juillet 2023

  • I know links are difficult, but if you just place your cursor over that underlined portion of the text and press the left button on the mouse, it will transport you to an entirely different site with relevant information that you can debate yourself over.

    Also, assuming I was a lawyer, why would I try to prove that in any meaningful way? Do you not understand the concept of IANAL? Also, no such thing as a “law license” in the US. Also also, clarifying the first three sentences of a very basic wikipedia page is hardly “advice”.

    All SCOTUS did was confirm that a precedent set before Nixon still stands. This was confirmed once again by the courts during B Clintons terms. But confirming it yet again, for the third time since being set, is suddenly an affront to justice? They basically repeated themselves a third time. Then they kicked it back for the court to determine whether or not the act was official or not. Click a fucking link. Read a fucking book.

    Or stay basic. IDGAS. You right now are no different in any way than trumpers who claim that trump’s convictions were a show trial and that no one was injured by his acts. Bury your head in the sand and pretend to be incensed. Or, don’t be afraid to have a little integrity. You’ll get downvoted for posting something unpopular, and you’ll have to deal with the occasional twat that’s too lazy to check their facts. But I suppose that’s the point of integrity. Doing the right thing with no expectation of reward. But the hubris of rubes can be its own reward. So thanks for that. 🙏

  • ZMonster@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy people gave up using linux?
    il y a 5 mois

    For me, a few things keep me from sticking with it. The community used to be a problem but it’s not as bad as it used to be. Seeking help online regarding anything related to network services are still rife with the “git gooder” useless fucks. Two months ago I was told, “you shouldn’t be doing this if you need a guide.” I was trying to deploy a Lemmy instance… Using the guide provided by Lemmy devs… That they recommended for beginners… FML with a curling iron…

    Another big one for me is access to solutions. I have never encountered a problem with windows that I couldn’t find a solution or at least an explanation for. But I frequently find issues with linux that I am apparently the first to ever experience.

    And lastly, it seems like not using a terminal at all to do completely normal things is even remotely possible. Powershell allows all kinds of things that would be otherwise burdensome or impossible, but none of those are required for use. On the flip side, it feels like everything I want to do in Linux tends to require me to copypasta a terminal command, open the terminal, and run. Why? Why is there no “control panel” style settings tools? Why is every setting scattered to the .conf fucking wind? My kingdom for a distro that I don’t have to nano my fucking way through.

    Software compatibility??? That is a problem I would love to have when it comes to trying to switch OSs. That would mean that everything else is already working and only MS products are acting up. Also… who switches to Linux but still requires MS Office??? Why does this person exist? Lol

    Anyway. Haven’t tried the switch in a few years and it seems like things have changed a lot in that time comparatively to the preceding years, so I may be a bit out of touch. But that’s why I quit last time. I would love to not need windows ever again. But my worst windows day is still better than my best Linux day.

  • So frustrating. I got it working for about 10 minutes. Added users, authenticated them, made posts, uploaded banner, logged in and out many times. Then it just shut down. 502: bad gateway.

    I tried to rebuild it fresh and found out that the ansible method has you request a new letsencrypt cert EVERY TIME IT RUNS. And after 5 certs, it bans your domain for 168 hrs…

    So now I have to wait until next week to try again, and I’ll only have 5 chances at getting it right.

    I keep looking at the mastodon documentation and it’s so nice. It’s complete and thorough. I just wish a Lemmy dev or literally anyone would write a better guide.

    I’m just so fucking deflated right now. Thinking of buying a new domain just so I can keep testing.

  • Thanks for getting back to me!

    Okay, sendgrid gives me this:

    Configure your application with the settings below.
     	Server 	smtp.sendgrid.net
     	Ports 	25, 587 	(for unencrypted/TLS connections)
    		465  	(for SSL connections)
     	Username 	apikey
     	Password 	theApiKeyGeneratedBySendgrid

    I edited my lemmy.hjson file to this:

      email: {
        smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:25" #also tried ports 587 and 465 with no difference
        smtp_login: "apikey"
        smtp_password: "theApiKeyGeneratedBySendgrid"
        smtp_from_address: "noreply@myDomain"
        tls_type: "tls" #also tried "none" with no difference

    The only change is that now when I select “forgot password” the button turns into a rotating arrow for a few seconds and then nothing. No emails in spam, nothing. Any ideas? I feel like I’m getting closer, and maybe I’m using the port wrong?