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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Unfortunately it is not, yours however is uninformed. One doesn’t measure genetics in meters of DNA. The difference between chimps and humans is just 1% of genome, and their difference are not mostly cultural because they have almost identical DNA. Genetics is so complex that changes in a single gene can have enormous difference in the physiology of a system.

    There are a lot of misconception about genetics and males/females differences, such that their differences are almost all cultural. Mainly because people confuse sexes and genders

  • We are talking of a case that, if true, would be a biological difference.

    Sex is not irrelevant, and thinking that talking about biological differences is done to invalidate trans… I mean, it’s a problem of the reader biases. The downvoters should think twice that the world is not made of people trying to invalidate trans people. I am fine with whatever a trans person does. Also because many trans people have biological characteristics that can be in between. Biologically, trans people are a universe of biological differences, they are not a single bucket. If I had to talk about trans people, I’d talk about trans people.

  • I have no idea if there is a difference in orientation abilities but if it exists, it would clearly be biological. I am happy it is a urban legend.

    But nowadays too many people claim that male and female are identical with the exception of the penis. And it is pretty dangerous. Any trans person who transitioned can say how different their bodies and feelings are by just changing the amount of few hormones.

    The fact that my comment has as many downvotes as upvotes demonstrated that the fact that biological differences exists are not so well known

  • Big if true. Current academic evaluation system via poor KPIs is more similar to a “call center” evaluation system than something useful. It is the main reason most of the best young scholars I know have left academia for industry. Everyone I knew in academia good enough to find something else elsewhere left, those who couldn’t remained, and are burn out, stuck in the rat race.

    It is sad, because we were all ready to accept less money and being overworked for the idea to do something useful. And society lost so much value due to a broken corrupted system that squashes human dignity to make money for small mafias, institutions and publishers

  • Because he was ceo of a company in a critical position to define the future of economy. Currently the tech field is the biggest and most influential of all economic fields. And by tech here we talk about digital world. There’s absolutely no comparable sector at the moment for importance, not even pharma.

    It literally defines the modern economy. In the field, openai is an incredibly important company for future relative success and power of big tech companies.

    This is why it is so important for world economy

  • I used to dual boot linux with windows Vista on an old laptop. I had only installed there the first assassin’s creed and Rome total war. Nothing else, never really connected to internet. After 1 year of not using it a part than few total war sessions, vista was so slow that was unusable. It spontaneously became slow for no reason. I completely removed it, left only linux, and that laptop survived 7 years of intensive use, and was still working 10 years later (just too old).

    Vista was a scam

  • VSCode supports it also for other shells. This repo is not about vscode, it’s about actual shells. You are the one incorrect in this case

    When someone brings points in the discussion, you react like a fan boy student that just bought the new gaming laptop.

    Could you please reply about the discussion or go back to school? I am too old for your “no, you shit, you stoopid”

    I wonder myself why I keep answering to your comments and that’s why this is my last comment