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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • If you think acknowledging basic math is offensive I don’t know how to communicate the principle here. Your basic premise is either uninformed, or a deliberate bad faith attempt to divide the left.

    Pretending that the principles of FPTP are different doesn’t make them so. As I said before, the cure is ranked choice. The mechanism of getting there is consistent turnout in primaries and all elections, especially local. That’s the only way to push the Democratic party toward ranked choice, which is the only reasonable way to achieve ranked choice, which is the only way to make third parties viable.

    Voting third party in FPTP only splits the vote and hurts the left. Your point about he media narrative, while not false, is not particularly relevant. The main issue is FPTP.

  • How many of us know by heart the old adage “voting third party is throwing your vote away”? Where did we learn this?

    Through a basic understanding of the First Past the Post election mechanism. Voting third party does not help move the establishment parties left, it only hurts the left. The best thing for the left to do is turn up every single election (especially local elections) to vote D down the whole ticket en masse, until the Republican party is defunct. Additionally, voting for progressives in the primary.

    The only way out of “voting third party is throwing your vote away” is to move away from FPTP. That means showing up and holding your nose until we elect enough candidates who support Ranked Choice.

  • In any nation with first past the post elections, like the United States, Leftists have exactly one rational voting strategy:

    Step 1. Identify the two front-runner parties, and determine which of the two is further left relative to the other.

    Step 2. Vote for that party in every single election (don’t forget midterms and local elections). Encourage everyone you know to do the same.

    Step 3. Once the (relative) left party has an overwhelming majority (over 2/3) and the relative right party becomes vanishingly irrelevant (under 1/3), then split the (relative) left party into its own relative left and right.

    Step 4. Repeat steps 1-3 with these new front-runner parties.

    Step 5. Iterate step 4 until your relative left party passes election reform such that elections are no longer susceptible to Duverger’s Law.

    Certainly try to push for reform within the relative left party between elections and during primaries, but at the ballot box the above is the only rational strategy. Voting third party, or refusing to vote the lesser evil, is not a rational strategy.

  • Did we read the same paper? I didn’t see any conclusions based on unsubstantiated non-scientific guesswork. I saw some speculation, but always tempered with explicit acknowledgement that it was hypothetical and speculative. The only conclusion they reached was that many reported UAPs could potentially be explained by plasma activity in the thermosphere.

    Yes, they do hypothesize that it’s conceivable that dusty plasmas could foster conditions which could allow for the synthesis of amino acids and even RNA. They do also hypothesize that the structure and complexity of the plasmas could allow for the possibility of a non-organic kind of life. But then they are very quick to say that both of those hypotheticals are purely speculation, and that the plasma behavior can be explained by electromagnetic differentials without necessitating intelligence.

    Overall, the paper seems like a collaboration between a number of authors working on different tangentially related topics, broadly under the heading of “extra-terrestrial cellular plasmas”: electromagnetic life, abiogenesis in the environment of plasma, and the complex behavior of plasma bodies observed in the thermosphere. Those in the first two camps seen very excitable (I would speculate they are responsible for all the !s and ?s in the paper) and prone to speculation, with those in the latter camp reigning in that speculation and trying to bring focus back to the main conservative claim: that observed plasma phenomena are consistent with many UAP reports.

  • Life is. Some is suffering, some is great. Altogether it is temporary. Some have argued that the great would be bland without the temporary or the suffering. The resolution to that argument will be clear at the end, or it won’t, and maybe nothing will. So it goes.

    By my estimation, in any case the best course of action is to enjoy the great. Perhaps it’s also best to appreciate the great in context of the temporary, and the suffering. It’s macabre, but it’s either poetic, or it’s making the best of a fundamentally macabre situation. So it goes.

  • The mathematics of First Past the Post elections drastically disincentivizes third parties, to the point of irrelevance. The winner will be one of the top two choices, so the only rational strategy (primarily in swing states, because of the fuckery that is the Electoral College) is voting against the worse of those two option.

    Which is to say: when looking at third party options, would those voters be more likely to vote for the worst of the two main options, or the second worst of the two main options? Those are the only two candidates from which splitting votes is pragmatically relevant.

    The evidence suggests to me that Orange Hitler is worse than Genocide Joe, since Orange Hitler would likely enable at least the same amount, if not more, Palestinian genocide; while also actively engaging in Ukrainian genocide; while also enabling Project 2025, which fundamentally threatens the thin veneer of democracy the US does have. I am not an accelerationist, I do not think that the probability of revolution it offers is high enough to counteract the probability of descending into fascism.

    If you live in a deep red/blue state, then sure, vote third party so they get more visibility and funding, and encourage others in your state to do the same. But otherwise, vote for the second worst of the two main options, and don’t encourage those in swing states to vote third party.