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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • aldalire@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.ml:3{:3|:3&};:3
    5 months ago

    Replace “:” with “a” you get

    a() a a&; a


    a() {

    a | a &



    So it creates a function, a, which what it does is it calls itself and pipes its output to itself (the a | a). The ampersand means that this will run entirely in the background. Then, to initiate things, the command calls a (in the last line)

    So, there will be exponentially be many recursive calls to a, which will eventually deplete your stack and set your pc on fire

  • People have spare pc’s or laptops they can sacrifice as a SearxNG instance. I too have a homelab & i have not paid a single penny to have a hobby SearxNG instance on my old hackbook pro that I share with friends.

    I feel like, the internet is more than just paying your way for services. It’s about creating and sharing services and decentralization. If Kagi takes off then we have another evil Google that wants to profit at the cost of users, but its name is Kagi. It might be an impractical answer, and it does take some work to create a better internet. End of philosophical rant about the true spirit of the internet

  • You’re welcome! I’m not much of a programmer but I’m very obsessive about my text editors. I’ve tried so many (Sublime, Atom, PyCharm, Jetbrains stuff, Eclipse ((ew)), Visual Studio code, and neovim) but none of them scratches the itch that Doom scratches. I feel like with Doom i’ve concluded my search for the “best” text editor and settled for a highly extensible but also highly intuitive text editor that works right out of the box and can work flawlessly for projects in a lot of the popular languages (I’ve personally used Rust, Haskell, Python and markdown and HTML editing with it). Something I can use forever without succumbing to the enshittification that inevitably lies for most proprietary solutions (end of open source dogma rant)

    Also, pro tip is, when you’re in a project and want to search for a keyword in one of the files in your project, type then slash (/). Super useful and it’s really fast. Welcome to Doom 😊

  • Mathematics major here who is also a part-time mathematics tutor.

    This is a question that plagues me too. Math is an absolutely gigantic subject! There’s statistics (probability, etc), combinatorics (counting things), calculus, differential geometry, topology, linear algebra, number theory. The list goes on. And what’s interesting is that they’re all connected! Knowing calculus, for example, can lead you to solve recurrence problems in combinatorics using generating functions, which i always thought was pretty neat. The idea of using the infinite to prove something finite.

    My purpose here is not to overwhelm you, but to invite you to a whole new world. I’ve been obsessed with learning about everything in mathematics! I am actually in the opposite problem as you, as a math major transitioning into the tech field. I’ve always thought that learning computers is so much more interactive and hands-on, since you can make and build a project that you can show people. I think this is where you can focus on learning math: making something or building a project that interests you. That, and puzzles. Mathematics is not a spectator sport. You have to read some information, close your book, and put some pen into paper and fill in the gaps. Right now I’m going through Cryptohack puzzles to brush up on my number theory and learn its applications in cryptography.

    Book learning is straightforward , but it has to be supplemented with exercises and putting pen into paper. Also, pick one field you’re interested in and stick with it. I hope this helps.