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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • I use SauceCode Pro (variant of SourceCode Pro with nerdfonts stuff). I’ve given up on changing it because everytime I do I find stuff that’s “non-standard” in the fonts I test and it bugs the hell out of me. @ signs are the absolute worst offenders, which is weird because they have a very uniform look everywhere that’s not a specialized “programming” monospace font.

  • Gradle is fantastic, but there is this mantra you have to chant while tinkering with it:

    I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle, I hate Gradle

    But once you get it to do whatever you want it’s way more powerful than Maven, since it’s actual code. Also you will never get me to voluntarily define my project structure in XML.

  • If a directory has multiple words in it I usually do kebab case: i-like-mine-in-a-way-i-can-read-them-properly. Both easier to read and type than pascal case.

    For more complex filenames I use a combination of kebab-case and snake_case, where the underscore separates portions of the file name and kebab-case the parts of those portions. E.g. movie-title_release-date-or-year_technical-specifications.mp4