Just a book-loving nerd from #Toronto who enjoys #scifi #literature #walking #homelab #tech #podcasts #ancienthistory #philosophy #religion and #art in general.

Avatar description: A black and white image of an alien with an enormous head and stern expression. Source: The Twilight Zone episode “To Serve Man”

Header description: An artfully blurred photo of bookshelves.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2022


  • @maegul @startrekexplained At first it looked strange (but awesome) because the Enterprise is so massive. But then if you think about it, why shouldn’t it be super nimble, especially with an android flying it. It’s certainly got enough power to spare and my understanding is that even impulse engines generate a subspace field and we know this lower the mass of what they envelop so…basically Data could’ve tuned the ship to be light and quick to whatever degree he wanted.