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Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • Good for this guy, but there is nothing positive or uplifting about this story.

    The police were not materially harmed in any way to encourage a change in behavior, the officer who was obviously just another giant asshole in a sea of assholes is enjoying a healthy retirement where he can sit and fondly remember how many dogs he’s shot.

    This never should have happened, this doesn’t happen in every country with a police force, we don’t have to put up with this as a cost of “freedom.” We don’t accept “a few bad apples” in hospitals or airlines, so why is one of our most important jobs run effectively with no oversight or independant review?

    I used to think it was entirely corruption, but lately I think it’s darker. I think a lot of people want to be persecuted by an authority. Maybe not having a danger to worry about makes humans idle and angry and that’s why we have so much contention and anti-social behavior.

    Or it might just be boomers running shit and laughing at 1-dimensional social media memes.

  • Very likely.

    It will be really interesting from a Western perspective to see if the rest of the world, the part that actually makes up the bulk of the population of humanity, and the portion of the population who will be most impacted by climate change, take unilateral actions to geoengineer or design systems to alter the climate.

    I can’t picture the US and EU doing anything other than posturing and use the idea of manipulating nature as a political tool to promote or attack and make people scared so some asshole or another can claim power for a day. But nations like China and India who have the most at stake are fully capable of taking action without a unified alliance.

  • Something people need to understand is that there is a difference between smog and CO2.

    You can get everyone off the road and the smog will clear, but as long as industry and power grids are still running, the vast bulk of CO2 is still being pumped into the air and it’s totally invisible. Covid was great for a lot of things in nature, but even if we all went to Covid-lockdown-levels of activity we would still have an out-of-control death-spiral greenhouse effect happening.

    CO2 is just a gas that has molecules of three atoms instead of one or two, so it stores more energy than say, an O2 molecule. As long as we’re sending stuff into the air that can wiggle just a little harder and store a little more energy, we’re going to continue to see temperature increases. Smog is particulates, like basically dirt, soot, chunks of material. It falls out of the air relatively fast when the fires and tires aren’t moving, but most machines that power our grid and supply our products still push tons of carbon molecules into the air, and that gas goes much higher than smog where it gets lit up by the sun and stores energy that it then releases into the air and ground.

  • The dangers of geoengineering cannot be overstated, and we have a good chance of dying from the results of deliberately fucking with the climate as we do from our centuries of inadvertent fucking with the climate.

    Not saying that we shouldn’t if we have no choice, but people need to understand that this is NOT a good option we’re left with and our species needs to really take notice how close we are to ending our time here due to lack of forethought or care.

  • That’s another great question that unlocks another incredibly strange point about reality.

    You’re only moving faster/slower through space/time to an outside observer. Your own rate of time and your own velocity through space will always feel centered on you, and it will always look like the rest of the universe that is slowing or accelerating.

    And in fact, another mind-melty point behind relativity is that if you jump out of a 20th story window, there is no action that says you’re falling, instead the action is saying that you have changed your velocity (or altered Earth’s velocity in respect to your acceleration) and now the rest of the world is passing you very rapidly. It would feel like Earth and the building and everything else is wooshing past you while you stand still. And that’s a correct perspective. It is rushing past you, you are sitting still in space. (The problem comes when that wall of asphalt and dirt swings past and doesn’t miss you.)

    If you fall into a black hole where spacetime is distorted as far as we can imagine, to you nothing will feel different (at first) you will see the whole universe seem to roll into a tight ball behind you and it will look like it’s in rapid-motion if you pointed a telescope into it, you would see stars being born and galaxies fading and the entire future of the universe will rush past and you will hit the singularity at the death of the back hole, some billions and billions and of years into the future. If you could magically escape right before you get pulled apart, you would find the entire universe has died outside and all the stars have gone out.

  • It’s far stranger than that.

    The problem that shows exactly how tangled the problem is, is this: accelerating is the same as gravity.

    Not “they feel the same” or “We can compare them” or " They’re similar in many ways" no, I mean literally. They are the same thing. This has been proven.

    The force that is making you stick the planet is the same as being in a car and driving constantly faster and faster forever.

    If this makes zero sense to you, that’s good, it means you’re human. But it also means that our vision of the universe is radically different than whatever kind of objective reality is out there, if there is one.

    (What gives is time. Time is what’s changing when you move through space AND when in a gravitational field. You can also study this field for decades and barely come closer to being able to visualize it. Our brains were not meant.)

  • i am at a loss what its about.

    The only thing worse than the tech-bro’s worshiping AI like it’s the next messiah and we all must pave way for this revolutionary technology that will only seem to benefit white Americans with disposable income, are the people on the opposite end of the spectrum who are have a hysterical hatred for LLM’s because their favorite Youtube streamers are getting clicks by ranting about how bad AI is. They are not being personally impacted by AI at all but are delusional enough to think that there will be laws and regulations and that AI will be “banned” if we all “raise awareness” and it’s about as useful as the Bud Lite protests but not even remotely as entertaining.