Андрей Быдло

вольный глас рассеи

  • 9 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • I could wish that to be truth, but standartization doesn’t seem to be doable. One of the biggest blows to it’s concept comes from bolsheviks’ passportisation effort, where any initial standard was absent (and, honestly, both scribes and people were of questionable literacy). It cemented different forms even for names that were borrowed from other languages, invented it’s own and even saved a suffix to the sense of ‘X’s son’ for one of it’s nations, Azeri. With that, and a confusing two-sided pull for both russification and codification of national languages, it all came to mess. I do think this affected most soviet nations, but indeed Ё is only our pain I think.

    Sadly enough Ё is lasily avoided even by state’s officials and press. There’s where this trend of saving it should’ve been started. Even M$ Word can be put to mark misuse of Е as a mistake – that’s for an American corporation – but those screaming about rusophobia and cultural erasure can’t move a finger a bit further one time per a paragraph.

    I too adore German from my little time with it back in school. Sometimes pretty complex, but at least consistent. These two funnily resemble how the law is stereotypically applied both here and there. Except for genders, they suck in both. Learning English made me love genderless words and the struggle of local feminists to unificate feminine nouns in Russian, well, I loved the idea but sighed at execution.

    When I was writing it, I remembered a thing that puts my sorrow over one letter to shame. Tajik language which sounds very lovely if spoken by natives has been written in three alphabets in the last century: cyrillic, latinic and arabic scripts. Let this rabbit hole be my thank-you gift for an interesting discussion: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tajik_language

  • there’s a noticeable decline in good news from the front.

    Things slowed down to a crawl. It’s all in trenches now and both sides had time to dig in. I don’t think anything but a miraculous fuck up can bring mayor change to the frontline. That’s more about logistics and economies surviving the growing toll of warfare. And both countries has felt an impact of that back home. By now it’s more of a question if european\american life-support to Ukraine can overdo what Russia can buy from Iran-China-NK for it’s resources under the market price.

    Good news for you, probably, is that masking the changes in ruble zone becomes increasingly costy. With a third of a budget dedicated to military spendings while prices grow in spikes, Russia won’t crumble the next day, but have all it’s other systems losing maintenance, what the pandemic of blowing up heating pipes shows this winter like nothing else. It’s all a loan, and the longer they take it, the more they owe. The frontline is on the streets, and the current goal of the ‘SVO’ is to keep them calm while more services become defunct.

    Today, I’ve heard a granny in a bus (that I helped to find a route to the building needed) started a tirade about how the fuck anyone wants to vote Vova in again. Probably talked on herself for a couple of decades of prison sentences, but she’s not the one to care at this age anyway. With her being a part of his most loyal fans, although it’s just an anecdote, I felt a kind of joy, I imagined myself like the ice is finally melting. After two years wishing for peace on the New Year’s Eve, I hope the tectonic change is just around the corner, even if it means I myself would suffer. I can manage missing meat, if it means the meatgrinder would reach at least ceasefire.