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Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • This is all correct and is commonly known as redshift or blueshift. It’s the same idea as when a car or train passes by and you hear the pitch get higher as it approaches you, and then lower as it leaves you.

    To add to it though, stars themselves (regardless of our perspectives on them) do come in different colors. Betelgeuse is an easy star to find in the night sky that has a distinctly redder color compared to most stars. It’s the left armpit star in the constellation Orion.

    Stars have different colors based on many factors like their composition and how hot they burn.

  • Not an expert here, but I think you’re looking at this particular example backwards. Evolution isn’t a “smart” process that picks and chooses favorable traits, it’s more simply “this animal with these traits was able to survive and mate, so these traits get passed on”

    So start with what was before the dinosaurs, to my recollection that would be some kind of amphibian, living in both water and land. Probably has four equal-length limbs and walks on all fours.

    Whatever exactly happened between A and B idk, but eventually you get to the dinosaurs that walked on two legs. And that there is the answer. They used their legs more, their arms became less important to their survival techniques, and so over time they shrunk.

    Survival for those guys was “run fast + big jaws and sharp teeth”. Long tails for balance while running, not much use for the arms. They didn’t shrink because it was an evolutionary advantage, they shrunk because they weren’t doing the heavy lifting. Terrible pun intended.

  • You’re right that even among the republican base, abortion rights area slightly majority accepted, except in the case of the far right and religious extremists. I don’t really think the republicans in office care about religion at all, I think they care about money.

    The only thing then that makes any sense to me is that declining population growth is seen by some as an existential threat to capitalism and their way of life. Removing abortion rights means more population. They don’t care if that population is going to struggle with a difficult life, they only need them to work in the factories and serve them hamburgers anyway.

    It’s a bit conspiracy-like, but I struggle to come up with other explanations for this. I don’t accept that they’re doing it because of their strong religious values 🙄

  • People indulge constantly in things that are unhealthy for us. It’s basically our favorite shit.

    Within reason and as long as they’re not hurting anybody, try not to judge too much. Everyone has different lived experiences and find their own ways to cope.

    As for movies… if you’re shooting a historical film of any kind, it would be silly to pretend people weren’t smoking then. There are also characters in every genre that are just written as smokers. We’re human and imperfect, and stories include imperfect people.

    As for the actors themselves… they use some kind of herb cigarette that doesn’t include nicotine. Actors can usually hold the smoke in their mouths and not inhale, which makes them much less harmful.

    And even if none of that were true and they’re just lighting up real cigarettes, money. Actors get paid, and unless the actor is smoking in every scene for months on end, it’s unlikely to amount to any long term damage.