• The real problem with humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.

  • Falling feels like flying, for a little while

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Depends what you mean. If you’re talking about reparations I don’t agree. In this world, there are a lot of people materially suffering and we shouldn’t be picking and choosing who gets free gift cards and who doesn’t based on race. Unfortunate things happened in the past that set the current stage. There’s a lot of suffering out there and everyone seems to think they have an inalienable right to reproduce despite the consequences. So reparations to me is scooping water out with a coffee cup from a sinking ship. It’s also the quickest way to lose elections. Nobody will go for it when we’ve all seen our material conditions worsen over our lifetimes, even in the debt-ridden “rich nations”.

  • Japanese people as a whole are severely lacking when it comes to acknowledging the atrocities committed by their country

    And when educating people, we need to change the way the message is delivered to start taking collective responsibility for the bad things, the “bad people” and acknowledge that everybody of every culture or ideology is capable of being evil, and has been before, and will be in the future, that Nazi Germany wasn’t a “them” issue, it’s an “us” issue, and we need to do way less elitist finger wagging from some implicit position of detached moral purity.

    When we teach that “X culture did Y thing to Z culture N decades ago”, we need to stop focusing on the X and Z part.

    No, we don’t need to seek revenge, we don’t need to “right the wrongs”, because every action has consequences and trying to “undo” one bad thing will make more bad things. Just learn and move on, trying not to make the same mistakes. That’s the best we can do.

  • Sure, I get it. Everything zero-sums in the end. But it doesn’t stop the gazelle from not wanting to be eaten by the lion, or the lion from not wanting to be killed by the bacterial and fungal infection caused by eating the gazelle. Even though that system saves them from overpopulation and starvation.

    It’s difficult walking up to somebody who is focusing on a great loss in that moment and has trouble seeing the traded gain, and saying “your loss is part of a greater gain” or “It’s God’s Plan™️” and expecting them not to tell you to fuck off.

    This is what right-wing politics understands and exploits while the left plugs their ears closes their eyes and goes “lalalala can’t hear you over all that white/male/western/ablist/historical/etc privilege”. And then lefties are stunned when they lose elections to fascists.

    Anyway, rant rant…

  • Being a white male doesn’t mean you’ll coast through it. You still have to put in the effort, otherwise you end up like the guy holding the cardboard sign in the back of the grocery store parking lot near my house in 30 degrees F, and it’s not even January yet.

    Americans have been getting poorer and poorer for decades, even though it doesn’t appear that way due to influx of cheap goods from the far east, but when you look at the cost of American labor, paying for any good or service that earned Americans a living wage, that’s when you get a true picture of how far your money goes.

  • They’re saying that there seems to be a lot of people [online] who support cigarette bans, but probably don’t support bans on the junk foods they enjoy that contribute to a far more severe problem.

    Also probably, folks attacking anyone online, including health professionals, who frames being overweight as a negative thing. I’ve seen these exact things [online] myself. I understand it’s a vocal minority though, as is often the case [on the Internet].