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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023

  • I actually tried a daily slack bot instead. The team HATED it with a passion. And the amount of productivity lost on other teams to a backend engineer blocking a systems designer being blocked by a UX flow etc is insanely large. We have never missed a deadline, hit all our revenue targets, and get much. much larger features done in 2/3rds of the time of the next nearest team. Part of that is because we’ve made sure to reinforce the concept that we are a single team instead of a group of server engineers, backened engineers, frontend engineers, system designers, [removed to protect identity] designers, econ specialists, UX designers, UI artists, and QA working in their own bubble.

  • I mean it really depends on the team. My role is as much translator as anything else. I have:




    Designers (three different kinds)

    Performance/Econ specialists


    Hearing “Oh I didn’t know that, yeah we need to sync” is a common occurrence and on a team of nearly 20 people we never take more than 15mins. We have shared deadlines, shared goals, and work on shared user stories. Having that moment in the morning to go “okay, am I blocking anyone without realising it?” or “I gotta remember to make sure design knows the spreadsheet won’t have the thing they were expecting today, it’ll be Tuesday instead” is well worth the time.

    On top of that, with WFH it’s a really good way to cement the team aspect. I wouldn’t care so much if we were in the office, but all being remote means we lose the “human” behind the screen a lot.

    As I said, different teams and different projects need different things, but I’d argue the reason my team is the number one performing in the entire company is, in part, due to this morning time to get that alignment.

  • astreus@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlGot no time to code
    27 days ago

    Depends on the team. My team do daily standup and it helps. A lot. “What are you working on today and do you need any help to get it done” is a super powerful question to make sure we’re all focusing on the same priorities and sharing the knowledge we have, especially in a team of mixed disciplines.

  • This isn’t a complete list by any stretch of the imagination, and I avoided everything to do with the aristocracies (which includes four civil wars just from the top of my head) and anything to do with imposed rule (i.e. English to other areas of the UK).

    Some more: Monmouth Rebellion & Rye House Plot, Farnley Wood Plot, The Gunpowder Plot, Bigod’s Rebellion, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Uprising, The Essex Rebellion, The Oxfordshire Uprising (yes, a different one)

    The list really does go on.

    EDIT for fun here are a few more:

    The Lincolnshire Uprising, Yorkshire Rebellion, The Luddites, 2011 London Riots

  • Brit and avid history fan here! Stiff upper lip is a myth. We used to be a very rebelious lot:

    We’re taught about Henry VIII, but not about the mass uprising he had to put down (The Pilgrimage of Grace)

    We hear about the Battle of Hastings but not the Harrying of the North.

    We’re never taught about the Enclosure Acts (that stole land from the common folk) and the subsequent uprising and brutal repression (including the Midlands Revolt).

    We also had the Peasants Revolt trying to stop the crazy taxation during the 100 year war!

    And if we’re looking for other acts of rebellion:

    The Peterloo Massacre

    The General Strike of 1926

    The Miner’s Strikes of the 80s

    The Battle of Cable Street (Police protecting Nazis)

    The Battle of Lewisham (Police protecting Nazis)

    But it is far, far better for those in power to make us believe we have always been meek and “stiff upper lip”

    EDIT: for people looking for a complete list, this ain’t it. I just chose a few that were in my mind at the time. I also didn’t include anything to do with imposed rule or I’d just gesture vaguely at the island of Ireland.

    I also didn’t include anything to do with aristocrats fighting each other. This is an incomplete list of popular uprisings to make a point.

  • The privileged Russians, you mean. I know a few people in Russia, good people, that have no prospects of ever getting out.

    Being able to pick a country to reside in is a privilege most people can’t afford, and that’s before you factor in only 5% of Russians can speak English and that’s makes up 80% of the foreign language speakers in Russia and you’ve got yourself a very immobile population.

  • The fact we have an idiom “sent to Coventry” meaning to deliberately ostracise someone should tell you all you need to know.

    I went to uni in that city; there isn’t enough money in all the world to make me go back there. City of 300k people with over 3k homeless. Utter monstrosity of brutalist architecture (the university library is based on a panopticon prison, I kid you not). And the ring road! Taking your life in your hand just merging into it!

    Absolutely insane amount of crime, with one of the highest rates of child sexual abuse in the country (for context, it’s crime index is about 20% higher than London’s). And I’ve never seen so many street walkers in my life! Plus they charge, I am not joking, £20 a go.