• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • The root of the problem is treating universities as a business. Education should be free. I find this sentence particularly disgusting

    Mark Corver, the chief executive of DataHE, a higher education consultancy, said the reliance on international student fees was a symptom of the previous government’s failure to increase domestic tuition fees from £9,250 for nearly eight years

    It’s a failure to increase tuition??? What the goddamn fuck is wrong with you people? Are you trying to become the USA?

    The UK is so fucked…

  • They definitely are. The country was founded by a bunch of slave owners. Yes, back then it was difficult to get a bunch of haggard, sexual deviants from Europe, who believed they were rightful owners of a land they just set foot in, to understand how voting works, and collect those votes in a timely manner across a massive country in a time where the fastest means of transport was a horse. Imagine trying to explain instant run off voting to somebody who was dirty all the time and whipped slaves for fun, or the people who had to work in mines and who could barely read, let alone utter a grammatically correct sentence.

    The electoral college and first past the post are relics that have everything to do with their time of conception as well as the circumstances they were conceived in.

  • It’s not bullshit. You USAians have distilled complex issues to “yes, no”, " with us, or against us", “right, wrong”, “racist, not racist”, etc.

    The first past the post system limits the voting options to just two, which limits the power and decision making to a few people who aren’t allowed to diverge from their voter-base.

    A centrist republican voter and a centrist democrat voter can’t both vote for a centrist party. They both have to make a decision of “republican or democrat”. A working class USAian can’t vote for a working class party - no it has to be one of the two parties.

    It’s much easier for both parties to make it harder for working class people to vote and garner votes from the middle class upwards, than try to serve the working class. Or, they just indoctrinate the working class to vote against their own interests - what option do they have anyway? It’s not like they could vote for a third, forth or fifth party that represents them.

    Both parties do little for the working class because they know they don’t have to do much. Feed them propaganda on social media, have political ads that DESTROY, OBLITERATE, SMASH the other side (or whatever sensationalist word is used), make promises, claim moral highground and quote Jebus a few times, and the working class will for them. And if they don’t vote at all, that’s even better!

    Yeah yeah, democrats do more than republicans, but “represent” the working class is a stretch.

    The USA needs a multi-party system, possibly with preferential voting. The only people with actual representative are the rich, in the USA.