starting a new adventure in the fediverse!


  • 36 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • bauhaus@lemmy.mltoStar*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    IIRC, Sisko preferred freshly-grown ingredients and even got very upset with Cassidy when she burned some of his peppers that took him months to grow. At his father’s restaurant, he and Jake were also tasked with cleaning buckets of fresh clams when they visited.

    As for Pike, I can’t say. mid-23rd century food synthesizers weren’t nearly as advanced as mid-late-24th century replicators, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he also preferred the real thing to synthesized foodstuffs.

  • bauhaus@lemmy.mltoStar*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    "Lucille Ball lost her studio because of ‘Star Trek.’ She had gambled on the show, and you can read the memos where her board of directors is saying, ‘Don’t do this show, it’s going to kill us.’ But she believed in it. She moved forward with it, and during the second season, she had to sell Desilu to Paramount Pictures. Lucille Ball gave up the studio that she and her husband built, it’s all she had left of her marriage, and she sacrificed that for ‘Star Trek.’


  • bauhaus@lemmy.mltoStar Trek@lemmy.mlParnassis beta
    11 months ago

    I commented on this in the episode discussion thread:

    And the whole “they picked the format of an old-timey midwestern American town” thing just screamed, “we drove to NoCal to shoot in a small town to save on budget.” Or, possibly, Paramount’s backlot. I miss the creative sets they had for Federation colonies in TNG and DS9, even if they were mostly one small courtyard with a fountain and lively market surrounded by a huge, gorgeous matte painting. Fake or not, they were always much more imaginative than trying to pass of some rural 21st-century town as a 23rd-century colony on an alien planet. like, why are there huge roads and parking lots everywhere?

  • Chain of Commend is a weird one for me as I feel rather conflicted about it. On one hand, you want to hate Capt. Jelico for being an inflexible hardass and side with Riker out of loyalty, and this gets worse when we see Jelico make tactical errors and generally act like an insecure jerk with the Cardassians and Riker calls him out for being so cavalier and careless with regards to the lives of Picard, Crusher, and Worf, but, in retrospect, Riker is subordinate and intentionally bad at his job out of stubbornness and Jelico is right to discipline him, regardless of being a bad captain, which he kind of is, despite his successful negotiations with the Cardassians, which, itself, seems more like a combination of luck, the good work of the Enterprise crew, and good timing combined with catching the Cardassians with their pants down than any single thing Jelico did. His so-called “specialty” at handling the Cardassians amounted to mostly yelling at them and making them wait in the observation lounge while he unsuccessfully tried to convince Counselor Troi what a badass he was in his ready room.