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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • CICO is science, but your CO can change based on your CI and there are cases where it’s very hard to keep CI down. For an example, I have ADHD, it’s legitimately extremely difficult to keep track of what I eat, eating one meal a day was about the only thing that helped. I believe I was also prediabetic (based on my glucose levels before my weight loss) and eating a small meal, particularly if rich in carbs, made me go hangrryyyyyyy later, but in a fasted state I was completely OK. Now I’ve lost something around the neighbourhood of 30 kilos/65 lbs and don’t need to do one meal a day anymore, because I feel sated from much less food AND stay sated way longer.

    This is why different people need their different tricks for weight loss. Find out how to reduce your hunger first and foremost, then focus on actually reducing calories. If fasting leads to being able to handle caloric restriction, it’s awesome. If not, try something else. But don’t restrict calories in a way that makes you continuously feel hungry, because that just won’t work long term.

  • boonhet@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlMySQL moment
    4 months ago

    I feel like the popularity of the LAMP stack (or WAMP if you were just starting out your interest in software and hadn’t yet moved to Linux) in the 00s and early 10s is to blame here. MySQL ended up being the default choice for people who didn’t know much about databases.

    Now that I know more than I did at the age of 14 when I first started learning programming… I’ll be honest, I’m still likely to choose MySQL just because it’s familiar. But at least I know what indices are now, and I try to avoid dependent subqueries :)

    To be fair, I feel like I should use Postgresql more, I just haven’t actually ever worked on anything that needed the cool data types it has extensions for.

  • But they are slow. At least when you’re doing a lot of things at once on your machine (I run ~20 “microservices” for my local dev environment because it’s a goddamn distributed monolith, most of them are JVM). IntelliJ often grinds down to a halt. Other software on my laptop runs fine. Firefox doesn’t get slow at all.

  • I find your criticism of the parts of the movie you don’t like to be super weak and unspecific

    It’s been 2 weeks and the latter half of the movie wasn’t good enough to remember every detail tbh, I just remember which parts I enjoyed and which made me sleepy. I watched Oppenheimer right after and have a much better recollection of that. I’m also neither a movie critic, nor even a native English speaker, so I don’t really know all the jargon I should be using instead of saying things like “boring”.

    The crux of the entire movie is the juxtaposition between what’s it’s like in Barbie ruled barbie world vs ken ruled barbie world. It’s literally the lens though which the movie criticizes patriarchy.

    Cool, I didn’t criticize that at all though, I said it got boring when they started SOLVING the issue.

    Matell being villains is a clear misreading of the plot from your point of view. Matell is the butt of the joke the entirety of the film. They don’t drive the plot, and were never in control of anything that happens. Why would you expect them to become the villains?

    Did we watch the same movie? The Mattel board was incompetent for sure (of course they would be, they’re men who only got their powerful jobs because of the patriarchy), but they were antagonists in the first half of the movie, would’ve caught her if she hadn’t been helped by America Ferrera’s character, and it was foreshadowed that they would at least… DO something in the second half of the movie. They literally started marching to barbie world to grab her as she could move between worlds and they obviously had a problem with it. Then they get there and it was resolved with essentially no conflict, they just had a change of heart. I could’ve seen them cutting a deal of some sort with the Kens to stop Barbie or something like that. You know, men conspiring to keep women down (which of course is exactly what the Kens were doing, I’m just surprised that the Mattel board didn’t try to do it in barbie world).

    Ken bringing patriarchy back to barbie world I don’t think was a twist, it was the clear narrative arc from the moment ken fell in love with patriarchy.

    I guess twist isn’t the right term. I didn’t put much more than 5 minutes of thought into writing the original comment, and as mentioned, I’m neither a movie critic, nor a native speaker. You still get what I meant though.

    the beach battle is an homage to patriarchally driven war media, specifically D-Day scenes such as from saving private Ryan. It’s the death of patriarchy subverted through a traditionally patriarchal approach.

    Sure, and I don’t disagree with the idea of it, it’s just that by the time we get to it, we’re used to everything the movie throws at us and it feels too weak to save the end of the movie, which other than this scene is just slow, emotional and boring compared to the setup. Going by the first half of the movie, I just wasn’t expecting that much sap and speechmaking towards the end. Traditionally movies start slow and then speed up, but Barbie started fast and then kinda slowed down and that just doesn’t sit well with me.

  • According to the guide, if a man shows hatred for “Barbie” and slams female directors after they leave the theatre, then this man is “stingy” and a “toxic chauvinist,” according to Insider’s translation of the post

    Nothing against female directors, but the movie went from pretty damn good to pretty damn boring after a while.

    You’ve got a fun and quirky beginning that makes light fun of barbie, mattel and patriarchal society. Then you’ve got the bits where


    Barbie and Ken get to the real world, get arrested twice for doing stupid shit.

    This part was funny and for a bit there I felt like it was mainly not about driving a message home, but still had SOME things to say. Great! Then you’ve got the parts where


    Ken went on his own journey to discover patriarchy (which he thought had something to do with horses and was disappointed to find out it didn’t), Barbie meets her owner’s daughter, goes to Mattel HQ, then gets chased out and rescued by her owner.

    Many hilarious moments here, poking lots of fun at patriarchy again, but it never felt like it was too on the nose. I mean I kinda expected that from the trailers and everything.

    Where the movie started changing for me was when


    Barbie, her owner, and the latter’s daughter went back to the Barbie world to help fix the balance, only to find out that the Kens had completely taken over.

    While the twist was predictable, it was still interesting because I wanted to know how they would resolve it. But it just kinda… fell off after that? At this point you have the expected low point in the protagonist’s life, and then they figure out how to fix everything, but it was just so… boring and uninspired somehow. By this point, the movie’s quirky and fun nature has worn down its’ course and the


    battle of the Kens

    just did nothing for me anymore.

    What’s worse, I was expecting


    the Mattel board of directors, particularly Will Ferrell’s characters to be villains and instead they just… arrived by the end of the movie and had a change of heart.

    That subverted my expectations for sure, but not in a good way whatsoever. Slightly reminiscent of the last seasons of Game of Thrones.

    And lastly, I really expected the resolution of the plot to have something to do with horses and I was sorely disappointed about that too.

    TL;DR: Movie starts out great, but foreshadows things it doesn’t follow through on very well, ending is boring and sappy.