vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • then what did you write?

    it sounds to me like you trust bill gates to use his piles of money for “good”, but the simply fact is nobody should have that much power. would you trust me with all of bill’s money? i promise to use it for good.

    the simple fact is that humans are fallible, much like how you and i are not likely to come to an agreement here. so who is to say that bill gates (or any billionaire) has successfully defined “good”? what if he’s wrong? what if he makes a mistake? there’s very few people or entities powerful enough to stop him, and even according to you he is one of the better ones.

    being rich and having more than you need is one thing, but billionaires literally have more pull than most of the planet. i don’t see why we should be ok with them having nearly all wealth on earth and “charitably” sprinkling some where they deem fit.

  • i’d say i choose the almost all games i play based off of one or more of these questions:

    • is there automation in the game? (i.e factorio)
    • is the game largely mechanics-driven?
    • how much room is there for skill expression?
    • does the speedrun look fun?

    other than those, i pretty much only play co-op party games with friends and ~1 rpg every couple years. right now i’m playing fortune’s run, an imm sim i’ve been looking forward to since the last steam next fest - very fun so far.