• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日


  • Exactly, people don’t seem to understand that our intelligence/problem solving ability is based on two major factors.

    1. Our evolutionary lineage, pattern recognition and instinct, etc.

    2. Our nurtured upbringing which creates the “training data” we need to accomplish specific tasks. Even if that upbringing isn’t holistic it would still require a significant amount of training to do anything programming-wise that the “three minutes and a coffee” side of the panel is completely ignoring.

    Without these a human is useless, we have training data as well, it’s just organic and learned over a lifetime in addition to the billions of years of life evolving on this planet.

  • The fuck it is, if 8 years is enough for the president it’s enough for Congress, Senators, and the SC Justices.

    If we can pass down the office of president every 8 years there’s no reason we can’t do the same elsewhere, does it take a decade to learn how to vote or something? Are we lacking in judges?

    There are other levels of office, there isn’t going to be a shortage of experience just because we require term limits. Even if there was I’d prefer an inexperienced person than someone who sits on their hands all day and just votes according to their oligarchical masters whims.

  • now exists in the world and is impossible for you to do anything about.

    Is the corporate astro turfer with us in the room right now, demesisx?

    There’s a snowball’s chance in hell that corporations are spending their time and money trying to convince the few dozen active posters and few thousand commenters of anything. Most corporations with a PR department probably don’t even know Lemmy exists let alone has a significant enough number of users to matter to their interests.

    Even if all of that weren’t true, you’ve still done nothing but created a community which I’m sure takes all of the time that setting up a new voice channel on discord does. Congratulations, you’ve created a place where random people who don’t agree with you will be framed as corporate imps for having an independent thought or knowledge of how the world works that you just can’t wrap your head around.

    “Impossible for you to do anything about”

    Lol it’s like watching Jerry from R&M leaving the day care and being told that he was always allowed, we really couldn’t care less but you’ll take this criticism as “those darn corpos trying to ruin Lemmy!” Instead of people calling you out for providing nothing and then pretending you are some activist striking out against the man.

  • Depends, if you mean for the average user then it’s good, but still overpriced as hell, and you have to deal with the Apple philosophy of “we did the thinking for you, if you dislike our choices it’s not matter of preference, you’re just wrong” no matter what.

    Enterprise use cases you might as well pitch your Apple products in the trash, they won’t work and you’ll spend more time figuring out which USB-C Thunderbolt to 10G SR optical fiber converter actually works than you will getting productivity done.

  • This is exactly what’s going to happen, the idea that corporate entities are even aware of us let alone investing resources into convincing the few hundred commenters on Lemmy of their opinions is ridiculous.

    This will just turn into “oh, you have a dissenting opinion? You’re a corporate shill.”

    Can’t wait, we’ll lose even more people and then I’ll end up just going to Tildes exclusively as the echo chamber becomes even more severe than it already is here.

  • The primary issue with Aquinas is that he’s essentially pairing a “god of the gaps” fallacy with philosophical ideas that predate the scientific method we would need in order to functionally claim most of what he’s talking about.

    For example, he declares with confidence in his fourth way that because somethings are hotter, colder, etc. that there must also be an ultimate good just like there is ultimate heat. He begins the claim with scientific observation and then immediately rolls it into the field of philosophy and ethics. Now someone from the year 500AD might not consider that an issue since the scientific method didn’t even exist at the time and all natural philosophy was on the same playing field, but modern people wouldn’t consider those two fields to just be overlapping and logically interchangeable in that manner.

    In the fifth way he claims that because certain beings have agency (or sapience, like us) and certain objects do not, that all non sapient objects must operate according to a being with said agency. This is patently untrue with modern scientific understanding as well, water flows because of friction and gravity, not because it was caused to do so by a god of some variety. Rocks fall, seasons change, etc. all due to natural processes. Not because there NEEDS to be a being with knowledge that guides it.

    It’s interesting because this claim is foundless as he hasn’t proven that all objects operate based on a “plan” of some variety, he merely makes the claim that a plan from a sapient being is required for anything to happen and then begins to assess conclusions based on said claim. Moreso than that, it occurs in contradiction with his attempted understanding at potential and kinetic energy from the first way. He seems to have an idea about potential energy but then throws it out to just claim that objects or animals without knowledge operate on something else’s will.

    Thus beginning a long standing religious tradition of using scientific rhetoric where its helpful and attempting to shoehorn philosophy in where it contradicts or fails to uphold.