Random nerd who has an interest in computers, privacy, AI, videogames, and CDs. I also like dogs and horses.

Mastodon: https://mastodon.nl/@Cambion

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Last time I was on vacation alone I googled the few things I knew I wanted to see/do, and the rest of the time I just went out and see where I end up. Looking where locals go and do that is also a great trick.

    My experience is that most easily online findable things are very tourist-y. I preffer to see more of the non-tourist stuff. Knowing a local is then the best, but by lack there off, just go with the flow.

  • Nowadays I just wear boring old tees and jeans, with most tees being merchandise of games, computer stuff, or music. But nothing too out of the ordenary, just your average nerd. And I’m happy that way.

    When I was younger I was deep into heavy metal, especially underground black, and dressed the part. Those days, while I hold them dear, are long gone. Now I listen to nearly anything depending on my mood. Beside hardcore and related stuff, as that’ll give me a migraine. Club EDM is cool tho. My taste is now going from that old underground black metal all the way to K/J/C/V-pop with nearly anything in between. Springsteen gotta be my all time favourite artist.

  • Tfw you’re an Dutchy and simple home-prepaired sandwitches (read two slices of bread with some butter and cheese between them, nothing fancy), are the countries national breackfast and lunch. Warm food is for dinner traditionally 🤣.

    Either way, sandwitches (no need to limit to peanut butter, a lot can be put on bread!), salads (pasta or normal), fruit, veggie, cheese, and certain type of meat (like smoked or dried sausage, or beef). They all make great parts for cold meals you can keep in your bag till lunch (speaking from experience). Some cheese & meat are even packed per small packages for easy take along as snack usage.

    I would suggest you do go to restaurants a few times, just to try the local cuisine (or their variation of other cuisines). But it probably will be expensive for you indeed. Whenever I’m in Asia, I feel rich (and I’m really not). Even Japan, who is often said to be expensive, is cheaper than my country. Especially when it comes to food.

  • Not sure which game was first, but I have early memories of Tomb Raider, COD2 and Larry on a Win95 PC. My first used console was an PS2 while the first I owned was an original Xbox. My first used handheld an original GameBoy, with the Advance SP being the first I owned myself.

    The oldest ones I used are different tho. I’m not that old but I went back to try a few older devices over the years.

  • I use Astiga, which is like a private Spotify you need to fill with music yourself. I buy CDs which I rip to get music to fill it with. Leaves me with higher quality audio and no trash to filter trough while never having to worry about licencing issues removing my favourite music, and leaves artists with much more financial support than services like Spotify will ever offer.

  • I’m interested in linguistics in a linguistic way. Languages tell something about a culture. For examply by what subjects have many words and which don’t. Or how seperated ranks in society are by the amount of (used) formality forms. The level of directness might corolate to the level of pragmatism. What foreign influence there is can be partly seen by loanwords and writing symbols. Etc. Etc.

    But computer languages are hardly linguistic, most of them are just English in a specific syntax. I love computers, but they interest me in a technical way. Even the best AI relies on switches turning off and on, yes and no’s, 1’s and 0’s. It’s black and white logical mathmatics. In the end, programming languages are little more than “the creator thought this was a good way to handle which switches should go on and off”, and you just use what’s most practical for your use-case. That is, quantum computers aside, but even those are similar in that really. Just more complex.

  • Back when I was in university, I worked IT support there on the side. One day, a teacher wanted to send a mail to one project group, but accidentally send it to the whole university. Every student, every employee. We didn’t reach 13k people but it was a few thousand.

    The thing is, in Outlook (which was used for school mail) the default reply button which is looking simply like arrow, was the reply-to-all one. Reply to sender was hidden a few clicks away. Needless to say, this caused similar issues. With the first people just politely trying to tell said teacher he might have maken a mistake, then people went in replying asking people to stop using reply-to-all, and it didn’t take long for hell to break loose after that.

    To make matters worse, a few smartasses ran some scripts putting the whole receiver list on all kinds of spam advertisement lists, causing a flood of spam send to everyone simultanously with all the reply-to-all-replies. And then people replied to those too. Guess they figured they wouldn’t get caught with everyone receiving mails from everywhere. They did tho, and got seriously reprimanded.

    The server automatically changed from instant delivery to synchronising every 5 min, but that still meant hundreds of mails every 5 min. Eventually we had to turn off the mail server to make it stop as trying to tell that many people to stop replying is impossible and it clearly wasn’t going to die out on it’s own.

    It was a long day at work, and one I will likely never forget. But I feel like any bigger sized company that has excisted for some longer time has had their own version of this issue by now. I never understood why’d they make reply-to-all the default, instead of reply-to-sender with the to-all version as a smaller button next to it… At least they now added the warning in Outlook “your distribution group has X amount of people, are you sure” or something along those lines when sending to distribution groups of a few dozen or more…