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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Schools in the US were designed to prepare kids for factory jobs initially. A lot of the structure related to that has changed but the amount of time you spend at school hasn’t. Realistically you’d want a kid to spend less time at school. But schools are now used to prepare kids for working all day and then giving up their free time to their employer. That may be a little tin hat-ie, but it’s at least partially true. However as a kid a few extra hours at school wouldn’t have cut it for me. I preferred to do my work at home, I was also super distractible because I had adhd. Additionally as others have said that just wouldn’t be feasible for a lot of kids/families.

  • Yep, the two I used to replace it are one, fstop which us my go to, you used to be able to get the pro version for free on fdroid, not sure if you still can. Two, simple gallery, that one I think it has a pro but I can’t remember but if it does, you can get it on fdroid.

    I like fstop overall more, but simple gallery has most of the same features with imo a slightly worse ui, but it has webp support which is nice.

  • Yeah sometimes. I know that even if I did nothing in a day, if I go work out I feel like I did something.

    It also feels good to get a personal record on a machine or at an exercise.

    It also feels great to get a good pump in.

    After a workout you feel satisfied and tired and it’s great!

    Also seeing your strength and stamina go up in everyday tasks is satisfying.

    My advice is start slow. Even if it’s a light day and you’re kind of miserable, you still feel good about getting it done. Try to convince yourself to go for a week, and go easy, very easy. Like just get any amount of exercise done. It’ll become easier and easier to go to the gym and to do exercises. And you’ll find that you’ll start to like some of them.

    You might like how it stretches a muscle or tendon that is always a little tight. Back extensions feel AMAZING

    You might like how strong certain exercises feel

    You might like how the extra muscle alleviates pains you’ve had in the past

    You might like how much definition a certain exercise gives you.

    You might even just become proud of how good you can do an exercise. I used to have that. “Yeah I’m not bad at working out, but crunches? I’ll beat anyone”

    it’s fun sometimes to bring a friend along and compete a little as well. You can also motivate each other to keep going.

  • Their azure documentation is mostly surface level. They make all those docs like they’re talking to a user not a dev. They’re limited AF when you’re actually trying to deploy an app via a ci/cd pipeline

    Microsoft365 docks have several articles that are fully depreciated and there is no disclaimer at the top about switching to new security standards or anything like that.

    That’s just off the top of my head, but there have been plenty more I’ve had the displeasure of using