• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’m not arguing that secular people (or, indeed, nations) can’t be evil. While you bring up China, though, it’s a bit of a myth that they’re not religious; approximately 80% of the Chinese population practise cults of gods and ancestors or belong to folk religious movements.

    My point was that it’s a bit odd to pick the US as your example of a secular country when it is at the moment de facto Christian.

    With regards to Bush being ‘as religious as Trump’, that’s just simply not true. He’s a pretty devout Christian, and has put it in a prominent position in all his campaign rhetoric, more than any other president of this generation. If you just Google George W Bush religion you’ll find plenty of news articles from a variety of sources saying that (e.g. this or this).

  • And what’s interesting is that the suffragists (Millicent Fawcett chief among them) were at the same time working to peacefully lobby for suffrage, and yet they are not remembered remotely as much as the suffragettes.

    What I personally believe is that the more militant wings of movements work best when they are bringing into focus something that the public already broadly believes. When people say ‘I agree with their point, but not their methods’, they’re doing a whole lot of discussion of your issue, and agreeing with your message.

    At the same time I think you do need the quiet lobbying to be done to effectively push for specific legislation. Both a carrot to offer government an easy path, and a stick to keep it in the public spotlight.

  • For sure. Systems engineering is a way of trying to apply more rigid thinking to what are known as ‘wicked’ problems. There’s a whole bunch of tools that come under the discipline, but to pick one specific example, causal loop diagrams are often used to help understand why complex phenomena happen. An example:

    This shows a causal loop diagram for an energy network. The pluses indicate positive causation in the direction of the arrows, the minuses negative causation. If you were tasked with coming up with all the causes and impacts of fluctuations in energy demand, you might find it difficult to show (e.g.) positive and negative feedback loops