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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • i mean, i really dont want to be that poster, but he’s not being arrested for blocking with a scooter, he’s being arrested for protesting

    there’s a separate discussion to be had about arresting protesters, but the way they’re trying to spin this as “they oppressed a disabled person for being disabled” is honestly insulting to the agency of disabled people that choose to protest, and whom accept the risk of consequences for doing so

    in my mind, you can’t be both trying to normalize disability, and then also weaponizing it when it suits you for an opinion piece after being arrested. in particular, i take offense to the line in the article: “Now prosecuting disabled people to (sic) acting ‘socially responsibly’”, as if that’s magically a step too far?

    a “fairer” title here would have been something like “activist prosecuted for deftly showcasing how climate risks disproportionately affect disabled people”. although, it wouldn’t have been as attention grabby, and so none of us would be reading it…

  • i wanted to add my personal experience, as someone who tried kbin and then ended up on lemmy

    when learning about fediverse, i was first introduced to kbin. i assumed that kbin was a close match to reddit, and this was why i was being introduced to it. turns out, nope! it also has some microblogging thing? active people? boost vs favourites? i was bamboozled to say the least.

    i’m sure the dual-purpose threads + microblogging is good for some, but i’m really, really not into twitter. and i also found it to be confusing when i was tagged in something as to whether i was reading a thread, or a microblog. i.e, kbin wasn’t a good fit. then i discovered most of the actual content i was reading on kbin was being posted from some “lemmy” service? i clicked to find out more and… yeah, i made the switch pretty quickly.

    basically, not all of us went back to reddit. i can’t speak for all former reddit users, but one of the detracting points for kbin was the mixed purpose. like, for example, if i was to list places like facebook, twitter, instagram, even mastodon - these are all “people” focused places. you post about people, and the focus is more skewed towards following individual people and trends. if i was to list places like reddit, hackernews, something awful, even… 4chan… - these are “things” focused places. you post about things, and the focus is on following things. lemmy is firmly in the “things” camp, whereas kbin is trying to be both “people” and “things” at once, and so it just wasn’t for me. 🙂

  • clara@feddit.uktoUK Politics@feddit.ukBrexit's 21st Amendment
    11 months ago

    …business owners and politicians in other countries are not compelled to help you make your policy work.

    this is the take-home line from this article. i wish my family would understand this. i tried explaining to them once that it’s not the EU’s job to give us free work visas anymore. no luck though, lol

  • i think you’re mostly right. our country did not commit properly to the EU project. we were constantly looking for opt-outs and excuses.

    in the UK’s defense for not joining at the start, we were vetoed twice by Charles De Gaulle. i wonder what the timeline would have looked like, had this not happened. 🙁

    i dont think the UK should be let back in to the EU any time soon, but would you consider a longer term, distant future where the UK, or more likely it’s component countries, are admitted back into the EU? certainly on terms that require full integration, with absolutely no opt-outs? what is your take on that?

    i ask because i’m looking to escape to the EU myself at some point, but it would be disheartening to see if people there don’t like us solely because of our government being stupid enough to hold a referendum for a political gamble.

  • ah okay, i’m way out of my depth then. thanks for the advice

    my specific problems are with fanta zero and coke cherry zero. if not the aspartame, then is there a possible cause that isn’t confirmation bias, or caffeine? i don’t have problems with other drinks with caffeine, and i should stress that i drink 2L of water a day regardless of whether i have a can of soda (in addition). i.e, it’s not headaches from dehydration either.

    i’m willing to accept the possibility that i am an idiot and it’s just confirmation bias, but if anyone knows any other possible causes, i’d be happy to learn 🙂

    another question i have regarding point #2, how much sugar is too much to cause the effects you mention (i.e in one can?). for context, i live in the UK, and most cans of soda are restricted to 16.5g of sugar for the whole can, because of a sugar tax. is 16.5g in one go enough to cause liver damage?

    thank you for reading