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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • All the article says about their parents is:

    Stan’s 84-year-old parents, Don and Shirley Ledgerwood, have watched oil companies drill multiple wells on their farm, where the family had grown crops and run cattle. The family received small royalty payments from the oil production.

    Which still does not say that their parents let them. They received the royalty payments I’m assuming because the law about mineral rights requires the drillers to pay the land owners.

    Nowhere in this article does it say they ever gave them permission. From what I understand their parents did not sell the mineral rights.

    Can you please cite where it says or implies otherwise?

  • Sachs is an economist and public policy professor. The guy doesn’t have a medical background at all.

    What does “he lead the lancet team” even mean?!?

    The Lancet is a medical journal. Of course it is referenced in the wikipedia page, they are links to peer reviewed medical articles. None of which have anything to do with Sachs as far as I can tell. So what is “the lancet team”?

    And why is someone “deeply involved with the government’s response” writing an opinion piece for a publication barely anyone has ever heard of? Surely if they were so high profile they could get an actual renowned publication to publish their piece.

    Not to mention the fact that medical researchers don’t write opinion pieces on their subject of research. That’s just not something that is done. They write journals.

    Maybe because this Sach’s guy just wants attention, notoriety, and money? He has a whole personal website with a page dedicated to his articles, again something that is not typical for a researcher: https://www.jeffsachs.org/newspaper-articles

    Every single article is at Common Dreams. And look at all those topics. Writing about the war on Gaza, and the War on Ukraine too. Is he an expert in virology, world politics, or economics? Which is it? Lol

    I could understand politics since that is his actual field but this guy has zero background in economics nor health. Not sure why you’re deciding this guy is the hill you want to die on.

  • This “article” which is a trash opinion piece (see the /opinion/ in the link) paints the US as responsible but then references and links to The Intercept’s article which states the following:

    Documents obtained by The Intercept contain new evidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nearby Wuhan University Center for Animal Experiment, along with their collaborator, the U.S.-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, have engaged in what the U.S. government defines as “gain-of-function research of concern,” intentionally making viruses more pathogenic or transmissible in order to study them, despite stipulations from a U.S. funding agency that the money not be used for that purpose.

    So the US Government literally told them they could not use the funding for that purpose and this non-profit organization did it anyway. And then this trash article proceeds to paint the US Government as responsible for what happened not to mention the fact that there is no direct evidence showing this lab has anything to do with the COVID-19 outbreak. It’s circumstantial conjecture at best.

    This isn’t journalism, it’s a trash opinion piece that’s clearly meant to smear the US as responsible for COVID-19. Ask yourself why that is.