• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • This is hella cool, but I do want to say that it seems like there’s been a flood of news articles talking about how we’re sooooooo close to cracking plastic recycling and microplastics ever since the UN had that big push to try and regulate global plastic production. Seems like the industry is on a PR drive similar to the one for big carbon and oil; “no, you don’t need regulations, that’s ignorant, you’re being ignorant, a tech solution is just around the corner, we swear” etc. That’s primed me to view all “plastic solution” articles with more suspicion.

  • Ehhhhh… On one hand, I think that most novel diseases will probably play out like COVID has. It’s hard, but all they have to do is be fucking competent and message people consistently enough that it’s hard(er) for grifters to wiggle in. On the other, the worst case scenario is the accidental (or otherwise) release of something that’s already adapted to us that we’ve stopped being immunized for/ infected by. There’s still two countries, IIRC, that publicly admit to having smallpox samples, and that’s the US and Russia (because of course it is). What’s more is that the gene sequence is publicly available, and synthesizing the smallpox DNA sequence from scratch is something that’s well within the scope of a state level actors with a decent life sciences program. If, for whatever reason, smallpox got out, we are NOT ready for it. The US DOES have a stockpile of smallpox vaccines and some domestic production capacity for them, but that stuff is hard (slow) to ramp up. Smallpox is both highly transmissible and highly virulent (virulence is how sick it makes you), and the number of people who have immunity against it these days is probably the lowest it’s been in recorded history. A lot of people will just flat out die in the interim.

  • Fiscal responsibility would have been preventing climate change instead of paying 10(+)x the cost mitigating it on top of still paying to slow it.

    Fiscal responsibility would have been not bail out and continuously subsidize free market failures.

    Fiscal responsibility would have been to cut defense spending ever. Or maybe just don’t invade Iraq the second time for no goddamn reason.

    Fiscal responsibility would have been building a robust public transit and freight rail infrastructure instead of continuously building and rebuilding roads that destroy themselves faster and faster under more and heavier vehicles.

    Fiscal responsibility would be not spending more on means testing than it costs to just give people help who ask for it.

    This next one’s going to be real hard for people who aren’t math geniuses like me, but fiscal responsibility would also mean having enough taxes to cover your spending.

  • I hate this. A trillion dollars is a completely stupid amount of money. All of World War II cost four trillion dollars in 2015 dollars, and we’re somehow blowing through that in a little over a year. For that price, the USA should be a fucking incredible place to live, a shining beacon of trains running on time, high quality of life (and I’m not just talking cheap TVs and big trucks), and nobody slipping through the social welfare cracks. Instead, we’ve got a weird police state that’s not only hell-bent on destroying itself but strictly doing so in a fashion that only benefits the very wealthy. It’s difficult to imagine just how we’ve managed to fuck this up this badly, but this is the fruit of decades of consistent policy choices by our leadership. As such, if we do manage to undo it without balkanizing or starting a war, it’s going to likely also be the result of decades of policy choices. I don’t see those choices happening any time soon, least of all under a republican administration.

  • It’s not even like the kind of phenomenally bad that you have to try, it’s just the most completely mediocre fried chicken you can imagine. Last couple times I tried it (in laws always order it when we visit for some reason), it’s been soggy with grease, not even crispy, and all the oil stops you from really tasting anything. You might as well just slop some bread crumbs into some vegetable oil if you really want the KFC experience.