Used to be Moved for various reasons, mainly server load.

Wannabe streamer, here for all your mediocre gaming needs.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    There’s an explanation as to your ban on the post you linked. Mod makes it pretty clear it’s because of your attitude towards the mod team in discussion of the use of “female” to refer to a woman, not because of your use of the word itself.

    As everyone else was saying, you’re leaving out context which makes it hard to be on your side in this. Leaving out important context like this just makes you look bad.

  • Ugh. Signal for me, as well. I love it, it was amazing, I was getting decent adoption across my friends and family… And then they removed SMS support and all that momentum got lost. It was the one thing I could leverage to get folks on board, and now it’s gone. Myself, one friend, and my father still use it despite the change. But I can’t get anyone to even look at it anymore.

  • Jetbrains IntelliJ is a big contender, but I get along just fine in other, FOSS IDEs. I prefer GIMP to Photoshop, actually, but that may just be a case where I learned photo manipulation on GIMP and didn’t touch Photoshop until far later.

    My final answer has to be in image processing/photo editing software. CaptureOne Pro is leagues ahead of anything FOSS I’ve ever tried. DarkTable, RawTherapee, ART, none of it can come close to comparing right now. No matter how much time I give it, I just… Can never make the transition. Which sucks, because CaptureOne is not available on Linux and it’s pretty well impossible to get it running. 🥲