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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Can’t agree with this enough! This is not exactly what you’re talking about, but similar: I (in US) work with people all over the world, and I’ve found that folks not from my home country are more likely to call me by an abbreviated version of my name instead of the name I introduced myself as. Like if I said, “Hi, my name is Michael.” They will almost always call me “Mike.” Annoys the crap out of me. Because of this, I try to make it a point to ask if I’m not sure how to properly pronounce a person’s name.

  • One thing to consider: you feel like not being able to reply means the other person “won.” You didn’t mention the context of the discussion, but I find that approaching most conversations like that (win/lose), you’re already too involved. Conversations, debates, etc. are ways we exchange thoughts and ideas. Winning vs losing implies you think you are right and the other person is wrong. If that’s the case, why bother with the convo at all?

    The likelihood that you will convince the other pererson they are wrong is very low, especially when you approach it thinking they are wrong. Instead, approach it trying to learn the ins and outs of their argument. Ask questions that make the person really think about their position. People change their own minds. You can’t force them or do it for them.

  • For me, it kind of depends. If Rogan is interviewing an actor, comedian, or MMA/UFC fighter, he’s more in his element, and the interview can be alright. The problem is he’s kind of an “all sides” show and he doesn’t really understand all the stuff some of his guests pedal. This is problematic when he has folks on pedaling stuff where he doesn’t recognize and call out the potential toxicity. A good example is someone like Jordan Petersen. A guy whose credentials would seem to indicate he knows what he’s talking about. In reality, a lot of the MRA-adjacent BS he spews sounds somewhat reasonable, if a bit “edgy,” on its surface. Petersen knows it isn’t actually backed up by any research (which is where his credentials are), it’s just his musings that he’s found an audience, and quite a bit of money, espousing. This is a problem because Rogan doesn’t usually call this stuff out for the dog whistle that it is, and he has a massive audience.

    FWIW, I haven’t listened to him in years, and didn’t listen to him very long to begin with.

  • I would agree with this. I think the canary in that particular coal mine would be Apple working to kill off Homebrew or Macports. So far, I haven’t seen any indication that this is on the radar.

    Fi used to work desktop support, and the “average user” probably has no idea what “root access” even means. I’ve seriously had someone point to my open iTerm window and ask what I was hacking. Always remember what George Carlin said about the average person.

  • Adding that I’m not saying anyone is a fool for jailbreaking. I think people should have that right. I was saying the fools are the ones who still expected Apple to support the jailbroken OS. To me, if you don’t like Apple’s walled garden on iOS and iPadOS devices, don’t use them.

    A laptop is different. People use them from considerably more diverse reasons. Because of that they need to be more flexible.

    Also, while all that may seem like BS from a consumer perspective, it’s not as much from a business perspective. If you disagree, take a look at how Apple’s doing these days. Whatever reason you think they’re doing well, they ARE doing quite well.

  • The argument is that, for most people, letting them do what they want with something they don’t really understand is not a good idea. In this case it also creates a support headache for Apple. At first, they kind of tacitly accepted that jailbreaking was just going to happen and didn’t really actively fight it other than to close exploits used to root devices. As more and more people did it, for the reasons outlined above, more people wound up with bricked, or otherwise malfunctioning iPhones. When they went to Apple to fix it, at first there was an effort to help (you know, to retain customers), but they had voided their warranty. Because of that, Apple wasn’t really interested in spending lots of time troubleshooting something when they didn’t really know the full status of the OS (b/c there were multiple ways to jailbreak, and most of the fools taking their rooted phones to support didn’t understand enough to tell them what all was done beyond, “my kid’s friend said this would be cool”). Eventually Apple washed their hands of the whole thing and started refusing any support for rooted phones. That part, I have no problem with. They also started actively working to stop folks jailbreaking. That part, I thought, was too much. Just tell them they void the warranty by jailbreaking and refuse support. They dug their hole.

    FWIW, I use an iPhone for personal use and android (Pixels) for work.