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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • daniyeg@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlFloating-point arithmetic
    5 months ago

    NaN stands for Not a Number. to simplify very briefly (and not accurate at all), when defining a standard for representing fractional values using binary digits in computers they systematically assigned natural numbers in a range of values to some fractional numbers. some of the possible natural numbers for reasons not worth talking about were unused, so they were designated as NaNs, and the value of the NaN itself is supposed to tell you what went wrong in your calculations to get a NaN. obviously if you use a NaN in an arithmetic operation the result is also Not a Number and that’s what the meme is referring to.

  • i’m still in uni so i can’t really comment about how’s the job market reacting or is going to react to generative AI, what i can tell you is it has never been easier to half ass a degree. any code, report or essay written has almost certainly came from a LLM model, and none of it makes sense or barely works. the only people not using AI are the ones not having access to it.

    i feel like it was always like this and everyone slacked as much as they could but i just can’t believe it, it’s shocking. lack of fundamental and basic knowledge has made working with anyone on anything such a pain in the ass. group assignments are dead. almost everyone else’s work comes from a chatgpt prompt that didn’t describe their part of the assignment correctly, as a result not only it’s buggy as hell but when you actually decide to debug it you realize it doesn’t even do what its supposed to do and now you have to spend two full days implementing every single part of the assignment yourself because “we’ve done our part”.

    everyone’s excuse is “oh well university doesn’t teach anything useful why should i bother when i’m learning <insert js framework>?” and then you look at their project and it’s just another boilerplate react calculator app in which you guessed it most of the code is generated by AI. i’m not saying everything in college is useful and you are a sinner for using somebody else’s code, indeed be my guest and dodge classes and copy paste stuff when you don’t feel like doing it, but at least give a damn on the degree you are putting your time into and don’t dump your work on somebody else.

    i hope no one carries this kind of sentiment towards their work into the job market. if most members of a team are using AI as their primary tool to generate code, i don’t know how anyone can trust anyone else in that team, which means more and longer code reviews and meetings and thus slower production. with this, bootcamps getting more scammy and most companies giving up on junior devs, i really don’t think software industry is going towards a good direction.

  • ah yes behave more carefully so that they don’t get caught committing a genocide lmao. since everyone cut funding to UNRWA after this ruling, i don’t think so. are they gonna arrest people that prevented aid trucks from coming in? are they gonna fire people that made genocidal statements? is there any sort of investigation in the military as to prevent war crimes and possible genocidal conduct? i somehow doubt after almost 4 months of doing a genocide they are suddenly going to change course.

  • south africa didn’t get everything it wanted and the ruling was mostly a nothing burger since it was just a warning to israel that it is bound by the genocide convention, however you cannot say the ruling was in favor of israel as israel lost on almost all fronts. israel wanted this case to be thrown out on jurisdictional reasons which didn’t happen, they claimed that no sensible actor could perceive actions of israel as genocidal which was refuted by court, and most important of all they used statements made by israeli officials as indication of genocidal intent, which israel claimed was solely aimed at hamas (it was not everyone with at least 3 brain cells could’ve recognized that). even if court ordered more immediate measures israel and its allies wouldn’t follow them, so nothing really lost there.

    all and all it was a medium sized propaganda win for the anti-zionist side since it questioned the absolute support western countries have thrown behind israel. human right watches and NGOs saying you may be doing genocide is one thing, an internationally recognized arbitration court saying it is a different thing. i doubt nothing will come out of it but still nice to have.

  • you are a genocide denier, you cannot be reasoned with. as for anyone else that might even slightly agree with this person i recommend you to watch this video Gaza: A Clear Case of Genocide which is a legal analysis based on the internationally recognized definition of genocide and case law.

    this videos answers whether or not actions of Hamas are relevant (it’s not), do palestinians in gaza constitute whole or a part of a group (they do), whether or not israeli leaders have genocidal intent (which can be established based on repeated and systematic conduct and war crimes as well as countless statements and revealed plans), and if their acts are covered under the genocide convention (they are).

    if you want to “get into actually debating the genuine issue” here you are. the reason i say you cannot be reasoned with is that your response is simply the stupidest thing i have read in a while. when someone cannot even concede that palestinians in gaza are in fact part of a group, they are simply not arguing with good faith, or even bad faith, they are not even arguing just putting their head in the sand and shitting as loudly as possible on the other end in hopes of silencing others.