• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Oh, that’s obvious, and don’t worry, I agree. That’s not just an individual problem though, those are serious flaws in the system a literal cult are exploiting to get their way, with no actual legal recourse.

    Like say we found out Clarence Thomas was bribed to rule in favor of the web designer in this case. Like, there’s actual video of money passing hands in exchange for a ruling of the buyer’s choice. What happens then?

    This ruling alone should be enough to justify recalling justices, if the system we’re under wasn’t so broken, but there are no systemic or legal means to get rid of corrupt Supreme Court judges, so the system is broken and in my not so humble opinion needs to be replaced.

    I get what you’re saying, that if we were a nation of people in good faith then this wouldn’t be happening, but if there’s anything we’re all learning, it’s that we can’t assume that our politicians or business owners or neighbors are acting in our best interests, and we need a system that takes that into account, and allows swift and effective accountability and removal for all corrupt members of government.

  • That wasn’t the only burger joint available. That wasn’t the only hotel available. That wasn’t the only apartment complex they could’ve rented from. That wasn’t the only place they could’ve worked at. That wasn’t the only grocery store they could’ve bought food at.

    If they refused them use of the back dumpster to dig food out of, the local park to sleep in, and the pond to bathe in, that would be illegal, as only then would denial of services by businesses that make up the system of access to resources our society depends on to survive illegal.

    And if all of that sounds absurd to you, remember that ruling enables all of it.

  • See, this actually is something I’ve been worrying about for a long time, but no one really takes me seriously when I bring it up:

    The U.S. is in a perfect storm of massive debt, failing infrastructure, a collapsing economy, and disaster after disaster because of climate change. This is what’s been driving the rise of fascism in this country – and that’s functionally what this shit is, no swastikas required – and it’s apparent to anybody with any insight that the Supreme Court doing this is driving the final nail in the coffin of a once-great people.

    And by that I mean it’s going to cause civil war, and a genocide attempt. This is the kind of shit that happens in countries whose people turn against each other – go read about the collapse of Yugoslavia in the late 20th century, and the Rwandan genocide, and the path the U.S. has been following is very, very similar to the one those countries went down.

    I am gravely, gravely worried that because of this ruling, and the one banning abortion, and especially the other one banning forgiveness of student loan debt, that that’s going to put Americans in a position so catastrophic they’ll have no choice but to fight each other not just to survive, but to be allowed to exist on the soil they were born on. It’s like watching the Serbs pick on the Bosnians all over again, the Hutus getting riled up by their radio media to annihilate the Tutsis.

    Many red states are passing constitutional carry laws and I beg everyone of the LGBTQ+ affiliation, and everyone else on the left really, to avail yourselves of that. Forget about stupid fucking gun control, this is not the time or the place for that; those motherfuckers WILL come for you and if you care about yourself and your families, then you’ll heed my warning and prepare now.