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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You know, that seems like total bullshit…

    … but remember how he started rambling that the Georgia case would be derailed because of the prosecutor’s “boyfriend”, and we all didn’t know what he was talking about, then the story broke and it delayed the trial?

    … or, how he kept saying the Supreme Court would bail him out of the NY case, and we all said “That simply can’t happen, it doesn’t work like that”, the the SC releases that ruling last week and now his sentencing is on hold?

    The man is obviously plugged in what the Republican Party is doing, he may not be able to string two thoughts together cohesively but he obviously gets good info from more competent people and then we hear it filtered through his mushy brain.

    I’ve learned over the years to be very careful with the random shit he says, because sometimes he’s right, if only because the last person he talked to gave him inside info, and he is incapable of keeping his mouth shut.

  • During an interview on MSNBC on Tuesday, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Biden to participate in multiple interviews with journalists in the aftermath of his debate performance.

    The California Democrat, who emphasized it is Biden’s decision about whether to step aside, said she has heard “mixed” responses to the debate from donors and others in her Democratic network.

    “I think it’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?” Pelosi said, referring to Biden’s debate performance. She quickly added that this was a legitimate question for former President Donald Trump as well, citing his repeated lies during the debate.

    He needs to do those interviews, get out there, and make his case that he has the same vitality that he used to have, and it was just an off night. There is too much at stake this year to just take a mulligan and count on someone new in four years.

    He doesn’t have the benefit of the doubt anymore. He needs to prove that he’s up to it. If he can’t, he needs to step aside – from all of it. Give Harris the benefit of incumbency.

  • There is an additional wrinkle if God exercises His ultimate veto on the winning candidate after the election. The winning candidate doesn’t actually win until the new Congress (on or around Jan 6) counts up the EC votes that were cast in December, and must get a majority of them. In the event that the winning candidate dies before the EC meets, all those electors have to be careful. If they split their votes, and no one candidate achieves the majority, the election for President goes to the House (where each state’s delegation gets a single vote), and VP goes to the Senate. So all the electors would have to coordinate quickly on a replacement . The logical choice is the VP candidate, of course but the coordination still has to happen.

    The Electoral Count Reform Act did make some major changes that reduces chaos when the count is taking place:

    • It increases the threshold for challenging an Electoral slate to 20% of each House, to eliminate frivolous challenges

    • In the event a challenge is upheld and their votes are tossed, it also reduces the amount of EC votes needed to get a majority.

    But still doesn’t change the fact that these challenges can occur, and if a EC slate comes in for a candidate who has died it still ultimately leaves it up to Congress to decide what to do. That would seem to be a challenge that could get to the 20% threshold.


  • … That doesn’t even make sense. I’m convinced now that you have no clue what you are talking about.

    This is about registration, not absentee ballots. If someone requests an absentee ballot, they are already registered. In many states, absentee ballots need to be requested on an individual basis, and if someone requests a ballot, they are going to take the time to fill it out and return it. In some states they can request a second if they changed their mind (or even go in and vote in person), but all ballots are tracked and only the last one is counted.

    Nobody is going to give their absentee ballot away for someone else to fill out. And there are no piles of ballots waiting for ACORN to fill them out using names from the phone book.

  • Because your right to vote is fundamental, and shouldn’t be taken away just because you lost the paperwork.

    Plus, non-citizens understand that trying to vote will ruin any chance they may have in the future of getting citizenship. People here illegally also don’t want to call attention to their presence here and won’t risk trying to vote based on that. Those people are not voting in any meaningful capacity.

    The voter suppression thing is real, though . Click that link I left above; in certain states, there is a regular purging of the voter rolls, for frivolous reasons. Some voters don’t find out they have been purged until they show up at the polls (after waiting in a long line to boot). Not giving them some way to cast a provisional ballot is the same as disenfranchising them.

  • Look, I understand why this is happening. It’s part of a concerted effort to make voting harder, and challenge the eligibility of certain classes of voters who tend to vote a certain way. But we do have eligibility requirements for voting, and the logical time to check them is when registering.

    The real question is whether someone who has no documentation whatsoever should be disenfranchised. Like that homeless guy in the 59th Street subway station. He says he was born in Brooklyn in 1966. If that is true, and he is a citizen, he is eligible to vote whether or not he has a pristine copy of his long-form birth certificate. We need to have a system to accommodate him.

    And understand what the end-game of Republicans are. They want to couple this with an aggressive purging of voter rolls. So they maliciously un-register people who they think will vote the wrong way, then impose these paperwork requirements on these people, all with the goal of discouraging them from voting.

    So, while it may seem reasonable to demand proof while registering, that reasonable request is part of a larger goal of disenfranchising large groups of people.