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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I know a place where they still do this. They’ve got an 8-digit user count, 7 digit monthly profits, all running on one server that costs something like $20 a month. They’ve downsized a few years ago to single-digit employee number and just sit there and collect profits. And this is why I’m now working for a company that casually dropped a few grand for a glorified CPU usage meter and a few grand on top of that for deployment tool that does the same thing that the old guy at a former place was doing with his trusty FTP client.

  • drathvedro@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLemmy today
    1 month ago

    Both of course, but if I had to choose, Cloudflare. Definitely Cloudflare. That company must be purged by fire and magnets. Sure, casinos are evil, but they mostly stay in their lane doing their thing of preying on the vulnerable. When Cloudflare just straight up breaks half the internet for lunch and there’s, by design, no way around it.

  • The key here I think is the NAND. I know you can do practically anything with only NAND gates. But without it, and with just control structures, I don’t think there’s a way to perform computation unless there is some theoretical voodoo withcraft possible, something like nop-padded cellular automata given the infinite memory. But I don’t have any qualification to talk about this, I’m just some random dude who flunked out of the university but finished all Zachtronics games.

  • Haha, nope. The links points to a table of contents after which you are on your own. The right link should point to a specific page instead, but the problem here is that postres docs are poorly optimized for search engines. If you click on the top link from google, you would see there’s a notice that the page is outdated, with a link to a current version, but said link is dead. It’s not an issue I’ve ever experienced with mysql docs for example.

    And yes, w3schools, despite how terrible it is, is still above the official docs because it is more popular with newbies. I remember a time when I just started, I preferred sites like it, because they were simple and on point, rather than technically correct and comprehensive like the official docs are. If you forgot the feeling, try learning math on wikipedia (assuming you don’t have a math degree).

    For the rest I cannot argue. Generated/AI shit is indeed ruining the internet and search engines giving up and joining them isn’t helpful either.

  • Ah I see what you mean by tiling. Still, such a setup feels… excessive, no? I can completely understand that you literally never need to pull up anything since it’s all just there, but I dunno (I’m reaching here) doesn’t your machine get hot from all the displays and forcing all screens to do constant screen updates?

    It is excessive yes, but I’m all about going above and beyond, sort of say. It doesn’t really get hot since it doesn’t update if there’s nothing to update - I’ve checked in the driver. Actually an error in said driver might have put an end to my windows journey on this machine, as some bug was causing all screens to not refresh unless there was any app doing a draw somewhere. It does use quite a bit of VRAM, though(~1.5 gigs) but that doesn’t matter when I’m working as I turn off the dGPU and the iGPU uses RAM which I have plenty. I used to just grab this machine and go to the nearest restaurant with poor internet(less distractions) and focus on work until the battery dies, and I’ve consistently got 2-2.5 hours off.

    When you have to travel, you can’t take all that with you – so working on a laptop at the airport must be incredibly frustrating if you’re used to things just being there, no?

    I do travel with it. It is a bit frustrating, yes, but as mentioned, the quad-screen setup is portable and I can pull it even in an airport given enough space. The problem is TSA, they used to not give a damn about laptops, but the last time I moved, they forced everyone to take out laptops and turn them on, at every one of the 4 airports I went through. But I had like 5 on me: My personal one w/extra screens, a corporate issued one as a spare, a tiny laptop that I used to carry in my pocket which saved me quite a few times, and also a colleague asked me to grab his laptop and iPad to pass off to his relatives. All this, along with a few HDD’s, was just enough to fit into a carry-on bag. But checkpoints were all something like:

    • Is that your stuff?
    • [On reflex already] Yes, and that thing in there is a vape, not a hand-gr…
    • Do you have any laptops in there?
    • Five
    • Five what?
    • Five laptops
    • Come here, put them out on this table and turn all of them on
    • 😩😩😩 It’s going to take like 10 minutes to pack and unpack, and I’ve got a flight to catch
    • Don’t know, don’t care

    5 minutes later

    • Alright, everything’s good. Why’d you need so many for, anyway?
    • I’m an IT specialist
    • Okay. But what’s this though?
    • It’s 4 hard drives
    • Take them out, show me
    • 😩 Sure…
    • Okay, everything seems in order. Why’d you need so many for, though?
    • I’m an IT specialist
    • Ah, right… You’re free to go

    I could’ve saved myself trouble and put all them into a checked baggage, but since I was moving through some totalitarian dictatorship states, I’d rather have all the data close to me rather than have it pulled out and searched without my consent, which they are likely to do given that they forced people to hand off unlocked phones for search before.

  • I didn’t really mean “tile” as in tiling WM, more like that if you’re this type of guy, then you could just just put everything you’d ever need somewhere on one screen, never maximize anything, and then nothing’s ever going to be out of sight.

    My setup is mostly static, with 6 screens, so I rarely even switch windows on screen. I’ve got top-left for whatever is making sounds - music, movies, youtube, etc. Top-right is for the stock charts. Left is for comms - I’ve got all chats tiled up in there, but if I’m in the videocall I’ll fullscreen that, or, if I’m focusing, I put documentation and references there. Middle for IDE, right for the app I’m working on and a front-end debugger. There’s also bottom screen for a back-end debugger, a live database view and a small log tail. Top two screens are stationary that I only use at home, so I don’t need them when I’m out working. The rest are set up so that I don’t ever have anything important out of view. It’s exceptionally good when I’m debugging - I can see, live, absolutely everything that’s going with the app, from rendered page down to db data, click through steps and instantly see what happens where. It also saves me some time, as with one screen I would sometimes forget I was debugging after doing something different in IDE, and then wonder why tf is my app not responding. With debug always open this is never the case. I also set up win+WASD to jump between windows by direction, which in most cases means jumps between screens, so win+w - space would stop whatever is making a noise. When I’m off work, I usually surf or game on my middle screen, tops stay the same, so does the left, bottom switches to PC performance metrics, and right usually has something that controls the PC itself, like fan curves or sound mixer. Surely I could do with a single screen, and I actually went single-multiple-single-multiple before. The second cycle really taught me some window discipline. On the first go at multi-screen I got a short boost of productivity but then fell into a pit where I would have stuff all over the place, constantly switching and leaving apps forgotten on others. It wasn’t until after returning to single that I’ve realized exactly what I want out separated and consistent in one place.

    floating (awesome)

    Did you seriously set up awesome as a floating window manager? You monster! Jk, do whatever fits you

    • A glance to the side is much faster and easier than pressing physical buttons

    • You can see stuff with your peripheral vision. With alt-tab, you don’t see if anything is happening at all

    • Alt-tab is linear, screens are 2d

    • You can’t tile absolutely everything unless your screen is huge and has very high resolution, at which point it turns into rich people’s version of multi-monitor setup, since a bunch smaller screens are much cheaper than single big one

    • Alt-tab list changes constantly. But some apps are likely to be constantly there, you can throw them on separate screens and unclutter the main one by doing so

  • Looks like nothing has changed. This is how it opens up on 4k screen. Although, it looks like they tweaked it a little. Up until recently I remember opening a post would show a hilariously small like 800 by 600-something box, half of which was comment section that’d fit like 5 comments at best. But now they finally made it properly scalable.

  • No, you shouldn’t really be downloading exe’s from github. It is widely being used to spread malware and to pretend that the software is open source when it is not. At least look for a link to the store page(including microsoft store), a distro-specific package or build instructions. Those usually have an AV scan or at least harder to fake.

  • Sometimes it’s doable if you can call the API and check that the result is what you’d expect

    Yeah, you can even test visual and network stuff at a cost of latency, but it’s hard and lots of developers are too lazy to do this, I’ve often seen sites that don’t even check if function exists before calling it, crashing the entire site because adblock cut out google tags or they call API that isn’t even implemented in firefox.

    I’ve never worked with WebRTC but I imagine it might be difficult to do that with some of its APIs given they require camera or microphone access

    I did. It’s a complete mess. First and foremost exactly because it’s a soup of completely unrelated tech - P2P, webcams, audio in&out, stream processing and compression, SIP(!?). There’s no good debug tooling available and lots of stuff is buried inside browser’s implementation. And, on top of that, any useful info on the topic is usually buried under lots of “make a skype killer in 5 minutes” kind of libraries with hardcoded TURN servers - the developer’s overpriced TURN servers, that is.

  • Feature detection is usually the way to go. If your website / webapp depends on a particular feature, check if that specific feature exists, rather than checking for particular browsers. Browser checks are still needed in some cases, for example Safari sometimes reports that it supports particular features but it really doesn’t (or they’re so buggy to the point where they’re unusable), but that’s relatively rare.

    This is tough to implement when the feature is present, but implemented wrong. Or, even worse, when it’s implemented right, but the most popular browser implements it wrong and almost everyone else follow suit for compatibility reasons, except for one that takes the stance of following standards. I know safari is notorious for this, think pale moon had those issues, too, and there are still echoes from the past from pre-chrome internet explorer, thank god it’s finally dead.

  • As far as I’m given to understand from folks who are Russian (but got out of Russia) or Ukrainian, this fellow would more be a change from one strongman to another if he replaced Putin

    This is the exact thought the majority of anti-Putin crowd had about his political ambitions during his attempt to get elected as Moscow’s mayor in 2013.

    Apparently his Livejournal has him saying some nasty stuff he hasn’t repudiated

    He did eventually release a controversial statement rebuking his past racist/nationalist remarks. He said he was only hanging around nationalist circles only because it was the only group capable of carrying out a revolution at the time (like Pravy Sektor eventually did in Ukraine). Then he got into some drama with prominent nationalist leaders, and those nationalist leaders got in trouble with the law, so he changed the course to the point that I’d say liverjournal Navalny and youtube Navalny are completely different personalities, as he went much milder there. Though he never did take back his homophobic remarks.

    It’s been strangely fascinating watching as western media tries to hold him up as some hope

    That’s because he has by far the most followers. The ones within official parties are all corrupt puppets, and the closest not officially registered opponent has spent last few months literally begging the remnants of the Navalny’s team, who did nothing but shit their pants for the last year, to join forces on the next election.

    there’s basically minimal hope he’ll be anything close to a (good) Western-style leader and if he gets into power

    His main point of his campaign boils down to make things work “right”, by the book, the way they were designed. Primarily, by eliminating corruption, ensuring fair voting and revamping inefficient post-soviet mechanisms in government. I don’t remember him having any particular stances on social issues like religion or abortion etc. It was more about making the government actually democratic and functional, then letting the others push their agendas.

    So I suspect if Putin is ever ousted, whoever replaces him (whether this guy or another) will be there because people think he can bring stability, not because the successor will actually be a good leader (from a western perspective).

    Exactly the thought of most Putin’s supporters, who were there during the 90’s, or been scared by the images of those by the propaganda machine. But honestly, as someone who grew in the 90’s, I’ll take that over what we got now. Back then people had opportunity, be it a businessman or a criminal mastermind, which kind of sucked if you chose first and encountered the latter, but at least it was possible. Nowadays, there’s not any. There’s only small business and then there’s business effectively controlled by the government, with nothing in between.

    Anyway. I find it interesting this guy hasn’t yet been executed. Instead they (supposedly) shuffle him off elsewhere. If you were Putin, why not kill him?

    He’s literal Nelson Mandela right now. Killing him would make a lot of people boil with rage and might cause a massive unrest.

    If Navalny ever comes to power, I don’t have any particular hope he’ll be a “good” leader

    Oh he’d be good. Just not necesarilly aligned with western politics. Like, he would’ve not gone to war with Ukraine because it wouldn’t make sense, but, if for some reason he did, his revamped government might’ve actually beat Ukraine in a week like Putin hoped, as Ukraine still hindered by the same post-soviet problems that Russia has, along with, well, war. And that’s the dangerous part given his past nationalist past. Like, he could’ve went to war Georgia instead as he had particular grudge against them in the past.