A classic nerd from Norway.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • The way I see it, explaining others also helps me understand it better. If its so basic (or too advanced) that I get nothing out of explaining, then I leave it to better suited people to help them instead. Being on these kindsa forums, its supposed to be enjoyable for both the teacher and the student. I don’t see any shame in dropping it as soon as it turns frustrating.

  • My usual dream location I’ve returned to so often that I know where places are in relation to each other. It is a patchwork of my home area but with nearby areas that I can’t remember ever having seen IRL. Almost all my dreams, since I was a kid, takes place in this personal dream realm.

    It has expanded with new places as I’ve grown though. Latest addition is a cruise ship, with extremely many decks, and a single one-person elevator. I had a room at 58th floor of 85 floors(!) in my dream a few weeks ago. And I had some trouble getting the elevator to the right floor, of course. I always have trouble getting places in dreams.

    Another strange quality is that sometimes events of a dream triggers my memory of an older and often forgotten dream. Not as old as OPs, but usually weeks or months back.

  • Terrible Star Wars fan fiction is what we get anyway, just look at Disney’s trilogy. Its already changed. Its creator(s) doesn’t even have a say anymore. If anyone could make Star Wars, we could vote for the one taking it in the best direction with our wallets.

    Theres of course a bit room outside of established universes, but why should we, when its the in-universe story that has occupied our minds for decades? Why re-invent everything for every story now when we once didn’t have to? What gives modern people this permanent ownership of an idea that past people didn’t? Why aren’t we allowed to use Hobbits, but we use halflings which everyones know is just hobbits in all but name. Why can’t we use Beholders and Illithids when its common knowledge what they are? What if Santa Claus was a copyrighted character belonging to Coca Cola? Or still belonged to the Dickens family so Coke never hired an artist to create the Santa Claus as we know today?

    Also this obsession with “canon”, its stories not actual events. Its fun to have a shared understanding of past fictional events, but obsessing too much over it isn’t healthy for the fiction. But thats a different discussion.

  • If your idea of retelling and improving upon a story is to carefully create a similar-ish general plotline in a different setting that doesn’t overlap enough to be sued by the previous author, for “retelling and improving”… You miss out.

    How crazy it is that creators have to go out of their way to not name something that looks and act like a lightsaber, a lightsaber. For a century! Everyone knows what a lightsaber is. It is part of our culture now. But we cant re-use them as is in any creative work (except for parodies) without begging Disney to pay for the privilege to use it if we are well-known enough. Its silly.

  • That we’ve retold and improved stories for the most of human existence, suddenly we don’t. Thats what I mean with holding culture hostage.

    I agree there should be some protections for artists, but not a hundred years. It should be close enough that the media is still relevant to the generation that it was presented to. Yeah, it would take drastic changes, but we got ourselves into this, we should be able to turn it back.

  • I find it insane that tvshows regularly show people watching 70+ year old tvshows. Nobody does that in real life. Doesn’t feel authentic.

    I find it insane that we’ve reused characters in stories for thousands of years, but just a century ago it suddenly became illegal until almost every character was old enough to be forgotten and culturally irrelevant.

    Fan fiction of relatively new IPs should be sellable, imho, without having to beg a corporation for permission. Its stuff we’ve grown up on. Disney and others are literally holding our culture hostage and dictates terms.

  • Simple: For most people (not everyone) even the thought of it releases stupid happy drugs in brain. It suppresses the feeling of disgust very effectively. Free will my ass, we are chained to those brain chemicals.

    Weirdly enough a lot of humans are very opinionated on who are allowed to think about who, even if the brain chemicals doesn’t give a shit. Its all a big mess really and earth would probably be better off if humans didn’t produce these chemicals.

  • I make lot of decisions on emotions too. The joy of helping people. The pain of seeing others suffer. Admiration of what people create. Fear for someones safety. Anger of hearing about unfairness.

    What I don’t get is why so many of these “emotional” people dont seem to have any emotions like that. How is it to live like that? Only living with emotions like fear for oneself and oneself only? This isn’t a fight between logic on one side and emotion on the other. Not science versus beliefs either. It is empathy versus greed. The only emotion these assholes has is a fear of losing whats “theirs”, I’m pretty sure. And if scientific reasoning says its smart to share, of course they disregard it.